Love my Spinlock PFD. All-day and night-watch comfortable. Barely notice that 
I'm wearing it, no neck chafe, the contours fit my body and loaded with really 
smart features. A bit more spendy at first glance than others but IMO well 
worth it.

1982 C&C 37 - Ronin

On May 15, 2013, at 12:16 PM, Paul Baker wrote:

> I'm in a similar situation, the Spinlock 5D 170N Hammer is currently winning 
> out.  Hydrostatic, built in harness, leg/crotch straps (required for pretty 
> much all offshore racing now), webbing knife, whistle, strobe light on a 
> pylon, spray hood, and into the deal, many retailers are throwing in a 
> Spinlock tether.
> It's a few bucks more than the Mustang, but add in all the extra gear then 
> it's actually a good deal.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Dennis C." <>
> To: "CnClist" <>
> Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2013 9:04:43 AM
> Subject: Stus-List Auto inflate PFD's
> Preparing for an upcoming 100 mile offshore race.  Thinking about adding an 
> auto inflating PFD with harness to supplement our manual PFDs.  There's some 
> new ones out.  Definitely want a hydrostatic (pressure activated) system. 
> Right now the Mustang hydrostatic with harness (MD3184) is top candidate 
> considering price and how infrequently we need it.  Any other 
> recommendations? 
> Dennis C. 
> Touche' 35-1 #83 
> Mandeville, LA 
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