Thank you for the step by step advice. I have the meter here now and
it reads "0 ohms" when I touch the red and black meter
reads "1 . " when not touching.....not OL (out of limits) ..... I
guess all meters are not the same.
One more question.....when I do this test, do I have the 12V switch for
the mast head light ON or OFF at the electrical panel?
I told you I was no electrician!
Bob Abbott
C&C 32 - 84
Halifax, NS
On 2013/05/15 11:56 AM, Dennis C. wrote:
Set your meter to read resistance (ohms)
Touch the red and black probes together to test the meter. You should
see 0 ohms when touching and OL (out of limits) when not touching
Attach the common (black) probe to a ground wire (black or yellow) at
the mast base junction
Touch the meter's red probe to the positive wires at the junction
Out of limits - open circuit, i.e. burned out bulb or bulb not making
good contact in socket
Some ohm reading - resistance shows good bulb
0 ohms - shorted circuit
Dennis C.
*From:* Robert Abbott <>
*Sent:* Wednesday, May 15, 2013 9:38 AM
*Subject:* Stus-List Electrical Advice?
After steeping the mast, I hooked up the various lights (running,
foredeck). Mast head light did not come guess is a blown
bulb or the bulb connection could be bad.
I am no electrician but I do have a digital multimeter. Is there a
'test' with the multimeter that can suggest that it is a blown
bulb or a
bad bulb connection?
A simple 'yes' answer will not suffice.....step by step explanation
would be helpful.
I ask this because getting the the top of my mast is a 3 person to up, one to grind and one to tail. If I know it is the
bulb, I can plan for a fix accordingly.
Bob Abbott
C&C 32 - 84
Halifax, N.S.
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