I thought I did have some photos but I guesss that was a computer crash ago .
I will be at the boat this weekend and take a few pics and post them

I made them myself from 1" ss tubing and SS standoff fittings
Took 4- 10 ft lengths and bent them to a slight curve to match the cabin top curve Cut them to length so that I had 2 long exterior rails and 2 shorter interior rails . I matched the standoffs ,inside to outside and thru bolted the standoffs to each other ,much like the original teak rails but much stronger.
I did seal the thru bolts with butly tape and have no leaks for 3 years now

On 16/04/2013 8:04 AM, djhaug...@juno.com wrote:

Got any photos?  That was suggested by another Viking owner.

---------- Original Message ----------
From: "D.Drake" <d...@rogers.com>
To: cnc-list@cnc-list.com
Subject: Re: Stus-List - Handrail heartbreak
Date: Mon, 15 Apr 2013 21:22:04 -0400

Mine broke as I was installing it !
I feel your pain .
I have since replaced the wood grab rails with Stainless ones

On 15/04/2013 8:32 AM, djhaug...@juno.com wrote:

I decided to make new handrails for Lolita.  All I could find on line were A.) not long 
enough and B.) 12" on center for the loops.  Mine are 11.5" on center.

I go out Saturday morning and buy a couple 5" x 12' rough cut boards (one as an 
extra), buy myself a router and router table and I'm off and running.  Well, I 
noticed a couple knarly areas but they seemed solid, I tried to bend them and twist 
them and the knot was not well formed and definitely seemed solid (you already know 
where this is going right?)

I worked on these the rest of the day Saturday and a good part of Sunday.  I 
had just started finish sanding and the opposite end slipped off the table and 
the stupid thing broke!

I was gutted!  I guess better now than after I'd finished them

I was all happy with how they were turning out.  Lesson learned...no knots are 
good knots!

Well at least it won't take as long this time and I only have to make one.

Here are some links to the work and the heartbreak...




You can probably see why I felt new handrails were in order when you see the 
new ones next to the old ones.  I'm willing to bet those are original and never 
saw any attention.

Oh, and my handrails were lagged to the deck from below instead of through 
bolted.  Anyone else have the same condition.  I'm thinking I'll to the same 
thing only with heavier lag bolts.  This way I can completely finish them at 
home and won't have any touch up work after the install.  At 24 hours between 
coats and doing the suggested 8 coats, thats a real time consuming job.  Not to 
mention a lot of gas a 30 miles each way!

1973 Viking 33
Westport Point, MA

This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album

D.Drake 73 Jensen Healey C&C 26

This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album

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