
I tackled the same issue about 10 years ago on my last boat.  The parts you
need to look at are under the floor pan.  That block of wood sits on wooden
stringers that rot.  The stringers are considered part of the "mast
step".and what most people talk about when they address rotting mast steps
on 30MKI's

You posted the question on sailnet, so I'm gonna include a link to a
previous post where I explained how I did it.  It worked well for me and
the boat is still alive and doing very well with a loving new owner.

Here is a copy/paste of my answer on sailnet in case anyone cant get the

"I repaired/replaced the mast step on my '72.
It's not a big job, just a pain in the ass.

To the best of my recollection:
Under the wooden block you will find to plywood supports cut to fit sit in
the bilge. They will probably be rotting from soaking up bilge water all
these years. It's deep bilge under the mast.

I removed the rotting wood and fashioned cardboard models. Took the models
to a wood shop and had him cut new ones from marine grade plywood. The shop
had to glue 2 or 3 layers of plywood to make the thickness work.

I tested them to make sure everything fit properly then coated the marine
plywood with 
seal it. I then glassed them into the bilge. Done.

Under the wooden block the mast sits on you might find a stainless steel
plate...I think the previous owner installed this on my boat, I don't think
it was factory, but I could be wrong. If you find the plate, let me know, I
always wondered about that.

I also took this opportunity to install a simple bilge
the mast way down deep in that bilge. Water collect there and it's hard to
get out. I think my boat smells better for this

All in all, about two long days of labor, not including fabricating the new

If you do it right, you will never have to mess with it again. Sadly, it's
one of the few things the factory did wrong on that boat. Otherwise, it's a
great boat!

Any questions, please don't hesitate to ask  I'm in Mystic CT."

Feel free to email me off line or through sailnet if I can help.

Rob Gallagher
"88 30 MKII

Message: 2
> Date: Fri, 08 Mar 2013 20:07:18 -0800
> From: Paul Baker <>
> To:
> Subject: Stus-List C&C30 mast step (and C&C24 for sale)
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> Hi Folks,
> I had a look at a C&C30 the other day, the mast step is of mild
> concern.  I thought I read that C&C replaced the wood with aluminium
> fairly early in the production to prevent it rotting through.  The mast
> step appears to be a woody on this one, I am guessing this looks like a
> rotter, or is this just a cosmetic piece?  Or is the step underneath and
> is fine?  The boat is a 1976.
> Any advice welcome.
> Cheers,
> Paul
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