Well said, Josh!
C&C 40

On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 11:38 AM, Josh Muckley <muckl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Yep, right on the money.  Besides, people will easily spend the same
> amount on a car and not even think twice.  They even know that it will be a
> loosing investment, just in gas alone.  Then they get rid of that same car
> only a few years later just to repeat the cycle.  Boats (and cars) are not
> things that we buy to try or because we plan to use them once a year for a
> vacation.  If that was the case we would just rent.  We have all bought
> into the opportunity to enjoy the lifestyle.  If we had been concerned
> about the cost we would have stayed at home on the couch.
> Additionally, I believe that most C&C owners are part of a select group of
> sailors that have a discerning appreciation for both performance, quality,
> and luxury.  Are there cheaper boats?  Yes.  Are there cheaper boats with
> such an outstanding legacy?  Maybe, but I haven't found 'em.  A product is
> only what a buyer is willing to pay.  I sought after my boat and was eager
> and willing to pay.  Fortunately many other less discerning buyers had
> passed her up.
> Josh Muckley
> S/V Sea Hawk
> 1989 C&C
> --
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> On Feb 21, 2013 7:50 AM, "Della Barba, Joe" <joe.della.ba...@ssa.gov>
> wrote:
>> You wake up, quietly get in the dinghy with the dogs, push off and drift
>> 50 feet away before starting the outboard, and head to shore. The dogs pee
>> while you get the morning paper and some coffee from the coffee shop.
>> Heading back out to the mooring field with the morning sun flooding the
>> anchorage with an orange glow you gently climb back aboard to surprise your
>> still sleeping wife with the treats from shore and think you wouldn’t be
>> anywhere else for ANY amount of money. Or the sane people realize they
>> could go on a cruise ship or other expensive vacation two or three times a
>> year for what it costs to run the boat. So we the not-quite-right sail on
>> and the sheeple get herded here and there on the latest discount tour to
>> some tourist hell.****
>> ** **
>> *Joe Della Barba*
>> *Coquina*
>> *C&C 35 MK I*
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> This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album
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