Dave,I recently did a complete check of my rod rigging while I had the mast out 
for repaint. I presume you have rod? Its a little complex disassembling the 
furler .If you have a Harken Mk 1,I have a diagram (exploded view} and assembly 
description if you need it. The biggest issue is with dye checking the upper 
headstay head. In order to get to the head you must remove yhe eye fitting 
which has a threaded seat fitting which screws jnto the eye fitting under the 
head, the screw fitting is staked on the side of the eye fitting which must be 
drilled out very carefully or you will nick the rod head like I did 
neccesitating re-heading.If neccesary new fittings ars available from Navtec.
                          Or as some do ,replace with wire. Luckily for me ,all 
heads checked out OK in dye tests so I think that would be less expensive than 
replacement. If you dont have a furler it will be somewhat easier. If I can be 
more helpful ,let me know. 
Lee Chrisiansen
1987 35 Mk3 C/B MaggieLee
-----Original Message-----
From: David Folsom <dfolsom...@gmail.com>
To: cnc-list <cnc-list@cnc-list.com>
Sent: Mon, Jan 21, 2013 2:41 pm
Subject: Stus-List Replacing Spreaders and Standing Rigging

Hi fellow C&C owners.

I am waiting on a quote to replace my corroded spreaders and likely also 
replace the standing rigging on my 1981 C&C 36.

Does anyone know of a source for replacement spreaders?

Can anyone tell me about their experience with replacing their standing rigging?


Dave Folsom
1981 C&C 36 Rebel Maid
San Diego

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