Congrats Wal.Check out with the Boone and Crockett club to see if it's in the 
running for trophy.RonWild CheriC&C 30 STL

--- On Wed, 1/2/13, Wally Bryant <> wrote:

From: Wally Bryant <>
Subject: Re: Stus-List boat pests (redux)
Date: Wednesday, January 2, 2013, 10:05 AM

And Happy New Year to you, too...  It's unfortunate, but the rat didn't make it 
through New Year's Eve.  It should have called a taxi...

I now know how my cat felt when she proudly paraded around the house with a 
mouse.  I also know how she felt when no one else shared the elation of a 
successful hunt.

It was *much* bigger than I had thought -- about 16-18 inches from tip of nose 
to tip of tail.  I considered pulling it over to fishing dock crane -- where 
they take pictures of the big marlins -- but decided the marina management 
wouldn't appreciate the joke as the marina name is prominently displayed on the 

Of course, it's tough to realize one's 2013 New Year's resolution before dawn 
on January 1.  Clearly I should have been more ambitious.  I guess I'll just 
have to hang out and go sailing, and set my goals higher for 2014.

Big grins for the New Year --

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