My previous boat was "awlgripped" and I needed some touch up paint , there is an Awlgrip dealer near me in Toronto , I walked in showed him the coloUr I needed .. he opened a stock can and spooned some into a jar and said here you go! .
So I bought some "awl - polish" l just for Karma . I touched up the scratch with a small modelers paint brush and used a few applications to build it up , rubbing compounds etc. don't "cut" the cured paint .. I wonder if a 2000 grit automotive sand paper would have done it . -----Original Message----- From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Graham Collins Sent: Sunday, November 18, 2012 8:45 AM To: Subject: Re: Stus-List 1981 Gel Coat Color Hi Jonathan I borrowed an Awlgrip color card from the local outfit that originally painted Secret Plans - they were a bit embarrassed that they did not have a record of what colors they used. I'd call it a 5 foot repair - can't be noticed from > 5 feet away. I don't think it applies to you, but a comment for any Canadians looking for touch-up paint. The Awlgrip site says US orders only... so I called them, my plan was to get a friend in the US to re-ship it to me. The nice lady said they do ship to Canada, just that their web site won't accept the order for some reason. Paint arrived two days later... Graham Collins Secret Plans C&C 35-III #11 Indigo wrote: > Anyone got any tips on patching awl grip. I have a number of deep scratches and the bottom edge of the transom to repair. The awl grip was put on by a PO so I don't even know what its original color was. I see from the Awkgrip website that they offer patch-up quantities of a very limited range if colors. There is a blue (flag blue) but I have no idea if that matches closely my hull > > Jonathan > Indigo 35-III > > > _______________________________________________ > This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album > > > > _______________________________________________ This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album This e-mail (and attachment(s)) is confidential, proprietary, may be subject to copyright and legal privilege and no related rights are waived. If you are not the intended recipient or its agent, any review, dissemination, distribution or copying of this e-mail or any of its content is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. All messages may be monitored as permitted by applicable law and regulations and our policies to protect our business. E-mails are not secure and you are deemed to have accepted any risk if you communicate with us by e-mail. If received in error, please notify us immediately and delete the e-mail (and any attachments) from any computer or any storage medium without printing a copy. Ce courriel (ainsi que ses pièces jointes) est confidentiel, exclusif, et peut faire l’objet de droit d’auteur et de privilège juridique; aucun droit connexe n’est exclu. Si vous n’êtes pas le destinataire visé ou son représentant, toute étude, diffusion, transmission ou copie de ce courriel en tout ou en partie, est strictement interdite et peut être illégale. Tous les messages peuvent être surveillés, selon les lois et règlements applicables et les politiques de protection de notre entreprise. Les courriels ne sont pas sécurisés et vous êtes réputés avoir accepté tous les risques qui y sont liés si vous choisissez de communiquer avec nous par ce moyen. Si vous avez reçu ce message par erreur, veuillez nous en aviser immédiatement et supprimer ce courriel (ainsi que toutes ses pièces jointes) de tout ordinateur ou support de données sans en imprimer une copie. _______________________________________________ This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album