It's why you must not use any gas on demand heater that doesn't have a power 
flu, that is a positive pressure to evacuate the flu gases.  I investigated 
this pretty thoroughly two years ago.  At that time only one was approved for 
use in an enclosed space, the PrecisionTemp marine unit. Expensive but works 
great.   I have no connection with them other than they too are from Cincinnati 
Oh. Made here.  I toured the factory before I bought.  They sell everything you 
need including Vetus through hull for flu gases.    
Bill Walker 
Evening Star
81 C &C 36
Pentwater, Michgan.df$

----- Reply message -----
From: "Della Barba, Joe" <>
To: "" <>
Subject: Stus-List Hot water heaters
Date: Thu, Oct 25, 2012 2:51 pm

It wasn't possibly- I remember the incident :(

Joe Della Barba

-----Original Message-----
From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Martin 
Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2012 1:19 PM
Subject: Re: Stus-List Hot water heaters

Way back in the 80's there were several cases of carbon monoxide poisoning and 
possibly one death by improperly installed propane water heaters.  IIRC the 
death occurred when the carbon monoxide was able to flow into a shower 
enclosure and overcome the person taking the shower.

I have sailed on several boats, including one Hawaii crossing with a propane 
water heater installed with no safety, performance, or operational issues.

On Calypso we went with a Webasto diesel furnace.  The circulating water 
(actually a mixture of automotive type coolant and water) runs through a tank 
(possibly called an Everhot) that includes a heat exchanger for domestic water. 
 When we installed the system a "summer" valve was installed to allow heating 
domestic water without pumping heat into the cabin.  We are able to heat and 
use as much water as is onboard.

Calypso also has a 4 gallon SS water heater tank that uses waste heat from the 
auxiliary engine and shore power.

Calypso's system would be overkill for the way many people use their boats.  
When installed we planned on some longer term cruising (PNW, Mexico, and 
Hawaii).  The system has worked great for PNW trips where we have anchored out 
20 of 30 days.  Sadly we have not yet had a chance to test in Mexican waters.

1970 C&C 43

-----Original Message-----
From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Colin Kilgour
Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2012 9:11 AM
Subject: Re: Stus-List Hot water heaters


Does your insurer let you use a propane stove?  If so, why would a water heater 
be any different?

(Assuming of course that you have appropriate solenoids, thermocouples, and the 


On 10/24/12, Graham Collins <> wrote:
> Check your insurance policy before you do that...  mine would be void 
> if I installed one of those.
> Graham Collins
> Secret Plans
> C&C 35-III #11
> Colin Kilgour wrote:
>> If I was to buy a new water heater, I think I'd consider a propane 
>> one rather than electric.
>> I rarely hook up to shore power anymore, so the electric heater's a 
>> bit of a waste.
>> Also, being able to have a hot shower while on the hook in New 
>> England and Maine would have been really nice.  Water's cold up there....
>> My $0.02
>> Cheers
>> Colin
>> On 10/24/12, Gary Nylander<>  wrote:
>>> I may be interested. My boat just has a 110v heater as well. It quit 
>>> a couple of years ago and with a raw water cooled engine I decided 
>>> not to bother, but.....
>>> Where are you? How much?
>>> Gary
>>>    ----- Original Message -----
>>>    From: David Risch
>>>    To:
>>>    Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2012 4:09 PM
>>>    Subject: Re: Stus-List Hot water heaters
>>>    Joel,
>>>    I replaced the Raritan (for some wacko reason the PO had 110v 
>>> only unit nstalled??!! is still sitting basement...anyone want 
>>> it?) with a Seaward.
>>>    Works fine but I imagine the Raritan will hold the heat longer.   We
>>> can
>>> hold shower-hot war for about 12 hours.
>>>    David F. Risch
>>>    (401) 419-4650 (cell)
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>    Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2012 16:02:36 -0400
>>>    From:
>>>    To:
>>>    Subject: Stus-List Hot water heaters
>>>    The Office has a 6 gallon Raritan hot water heater that is 
>>> starting to rust at the bottom, so I know its days are numbered.  I 
>>> could replace it with an identical unit for about $700.  Defender 
>>> and others sell a 6 gallon Seaward unit for about $250.
>>>    Any recommendations (besides shower ashore)?
>>>    --
>>>    Joel
>>>    301 541 8551
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