  I bought used ( maybe 4 seasons ) Pentex Triton sails this spring ( a full 
batten main and 150% genoa for 1100). I cannot really report about their 
performance since my brand-new furler was too long by a good 2 inches so I 
ended up having too much rake and  my forestay was "kind of " loose, but even 
though they performed well, I was able to reach hull  speed several times with 
12-15 knots winds.
Construction is good. Actually I am planning to take them to Triton to have 
them inspected this winter ( I need to go to Toronto for many things so will do 
it at the same time ).

I also bought a brand-new 100% Pentex jib, made by Haarstick and their quality 
is impressive. They will make my next main and genoa.

Lake Champlain

 From: OldSteveH <oldste...@sympatico.ca>
To: cnc-list@cnc-list.com 
Sent: Tuesday, October 2, 2012 10:18 AM
Subject: Stus-List Sail Recommendations - Toronto Area
I'm looking for some new sails and would appreciate feedback on anyones
recent experiences in the Toronto area.
Probably Dacron furling #2 and Dacron main, will maybe look at Kevlar (last
main was Kevlar and it was a good sail).

Has anyone had Triton make up sails and how did that work out? I've had them
do some repair which was fine but am curious as to their reputation for sail

Btw - would also look at slightly used sails per above if anyone has some
they would like to sell.

Steve Hood
S/V Diamond Girl
C&C 34
Lions Head ON

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