
One of the guys here at work is selling his dusky center console and he sent me 
the link to his craigslist add.  He actually has a SiTex Fish finder on board.  
So I asked how he liked it.  He said "Love it.  Works perfect."

So, there's another positive review of SiTex anyway...

1973 Viking 33
Wesport Point, MA

---------- Original Message ----------
From: Bob Moriarty <bobmo...@gmail.com>
To: "djhaug...@juno.com" <djhaug...@juno.com>
Subject: Re: Stus-List chartplotter/radar
Date: Mon, 1 Oct 2012 17:46:45 -0400

Hi Danny,
Thanks for the info and updates. I am very interested to hear how you
like your new chartplotter. I'm also curious to know what the "bracket
connector" on the back looks like.
I'm trying to hold my chartplotter-fever in check but will probably
succumb before Christmas.  :-)


Bob M
Ox 33-1
Jax, FL

On Sat, Sep 29, 2012 at 8:53 AM, djhaug...@juno.com <djhaug...@juno.com> wrote:
> Hi Bob,
> I thought I would write off list about this as I've belabored it on the list. 
>  LOL
> After a couple of weeks of research and obsessing, I went with the EC7IF.  I 
> just ordered it last night for $619 delivered from GETFEETWET.com
> From what I gathered in my research, all the negative comments came from 
> people that did not own any sitex equipment.  It seemed any that actually 
> owned the equipment were very satisfied with it.  It also seemed that the 
> negative comments came as justification as to why the commentor bought brand 
> G or R or whatever at a pretty high premium.  I could find virtually no 
> negative comments from people that actually bought the product and were 
> regretting it.  As for customer service, I called sitex and got a rep on the 
> phone who spent 20 minutes with me answering my questions and concerns quite 
> honestly.  So it doesn't have wif, or blutooth or a touch screen but.  I 
> think I can wait on those things.  I did find a thread on thehulltruth about 
> sitex and those that chimed in that owned the equipment were very happy with 
> the quality and the service.  I also called the GPS Store and they assured me 
> EC7if was a fine unit and I would be happy with it.  Especially given the 
> savings and the C-Map Max card.  I figured it was worth the gamble to save 
> all those hundreds of dollars.
> As far as the octopus, I can't say too much.  I did spend a great deal of 
> time researching autopilots and I did run across the octopus.  I can't really 
> remember why I didn't buy one and instead went for the raymarine.  I'm wiling 
> to bet it was a good sale on a name brand though.  I can't remember too much 
> info on the octopus other than I found it interesting.
> I have not installed the autopilot yet as so many other projects popped up 
> this year but I will be installing it over the winter, maybe even before this 
> season ends.
> Danny
> ---------- Original Message ----------
> From: Bob Moriarty <bobmo...@gmail.com>
> To: cnc-list@cnc-list.com
> Subject: Re: Stus-List chartplotter/radar
> Date: Fri, 28 Sep 2012 17:56:42 -0400
> The SiTex EC7 seems like a good value.
> I have neither a chartplotter nor an autopilot on Ox (33-1).
> Would anyone know if some sort of extra component (an "autopilot
> junction box"?) would be needed to connect the SiTex chartplotter to
> an Octopus RS Sailboat Drive unit?
> SiTex Installation manual - see page 107
> http://www.si-tex.com/product_manuals/EC-Plotters.pdf
> Octopus installation manual - see page 19:
> http://www.octopusmarine.ca/content/products-and-services/mechanical-drive-units.htm
> Also, it would be nice to setup a camera on the bow rail or masthead,
> gimballed(?) in some way to always point at the leeward forward
> quarter so you could see what's behind your headsail via the
> chartplotter's video display.
> Happy Friday
> Bob M
> Ox 33-1
> Jax, FL
> On Tue, Sep 25, 2012 at 3:15 PM, djhaug...@juno.com <djhaug...@juno.com> 
> wrote:
>> Okay,
>> I found another 7" plotter.  It isn't touch screen but is $640 with a C-Map
>> Max charts right in the box!
>> http://www.thegpsstore.com/Sitex-EC7-GPS-Chartplotter-P2357.aspx
>> That seems incredibly inexpensive from a company that has been around a
>> while.
>> Danny
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