Hey Dwight, all systems are a go. Not exactly sure what the issue was to be 
honest, things just seemed to cure them self later the next day. I wish the 
same thing would happen to my Motorcycle! I am going to assume at this point 
that it was a stuck thermostat like a few posters had mentioned. I was going to 
start pulling things apart once I had it back at the Squadron, but decided to 
let sleeping dogs lie so to speak. Thanks again to everyone for their help and 
advice, it was greatly appreciated. 
C&C 33-2
Halifax, N.S.


From: dwightvei...@hfx.eastlink.ca
To: bluenosesail...@hotmail.com
Subject: hot water on the boat
Date: Sun, 23 Sep 2012 17:21:59 -0300

Hi Greg
Back in August when you were in Mahone Bay you reported a problem with getting 
domestic hot water on your boat.
I don’t recall the outcome or how you remedied the problem if you did but;  
Now I am having similar issues with my boat where the domestic hot water is 
supposed to get heated by the coolant from my Universal M4-30 diesel engine.
I am wondering what you found out and also how your hot water tank is plumbed 
to get engine coolant flowing through it.  My hot water tank is slightly higher 
than the engine and today when I disconnected the coolant lines from the engine 
to it no coolant exited either line with the engine running hard in reverse at 
2000rpm on the mooring, but the engine did not overheat so I think the supply 
and discharge lines from the engines salt water heat exchanger have coolant 
flowing through them.  The hot water tank on my boat seems to be plumbed in 
parallel with the heat exchanger and therefore seems like it would act as a 
heat exchanger until the water got hot.  I am wondering about a possible 
airlock and also considering this may have something to do with having the tank 
installed above the engine. Can you offer any help?
Dwight Veinot
C&C 35 MKII, Alianna
Head of St. Margaret's Bay, NS
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