Vetus. 'Cept, they look more like Baritones. Or maybe French Horns.
Bill Coleman C&C 39 animated_favicon1 From: [] On Behalf Of Ronald B. Frerker Sent: Monday, September 17, 2012 11:34 AM To: Subject: Stus-List tuba horn replacement Anyone know where to get replacement tuba horns? Not the whole unit, just the horns. Music store only had the larger variety (stopped that joke in it's tracks!). Ron Wild Cheri C&C 30 STL --- On Fri, 9/14/12, Colin Kilgour <> wrote: From: Colin Kilgour <> Subject: Re: Stus-List Day/night Solar vents - I'm fed up!!! To: Date: Friday, September 14, 2012, 9:58 PM Well, I like my "tuba horns" as Bill calls them. Granted, they are susceptible to having a sheet wrap around them or getting knocked overboard when a big wave comes on board (don't ask me how I know this, but I do), but they look cool and darned if they don't bring a nice bit of air down below when you're at sea and everything else is locked up tight. (And no, I don't replace the tuba horns with deck plates when I'm at sea. I like the ventilation too much.) Cheers Colin
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