Can you get to the engine and check that the shifter lever is free and clear? 
I once had trouble shifting into reverse; found the fuel line had gotten behind 
the lever, preventing proper throw of the lever. 

If you can reach the transmission shift lever at the transmission, you should 
be able to move it from neutral to foreward to neutral to reverse and feel a 
definite click in each gear. The lever at my Hurth transmission is slightly 
shorter than the hand lever on the pedestal, so the effort needed to move it is 
a little more, but doable by hand. Check the fluid level while you're there. 

Stalling? Today's fuel has too much ethanol. It eats fuel lines. Check the fuel 
lines, fuel filter, vacuum leaks, electrical connections clean and tight, etc. 

1990 C&C 34R 
Atlantic City, NJ 
----- Original Message -----
From: "Damien Morrissey" <> 
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2012 7:34:15 AM 
Subject: Stus-List Tranny Question - Atomic 4 

I have a tranny question about my 1974 Viking 33 with the Atomic 4. When you 
move the gear shifter up for forward or down for reverse, there seems to be a 
long throw of the shifter, almost like it varies the amount of forward or 
reverse propulsion – then I can apply throttle for speed. Is this right – or 
should the shift lever either be in full forward (up), full reverse (down) or 
neutral (horizontal). 

I should have asked this last summer when I started sailing, but as it was all 
new to me I thought I would figure it all out. Now I'm not so sure. 

Last evening I could only get a very small amount of forward propulsion and 
even less in reverse even with the shifter in the half way position. Full 
forward shifter position (up lever) would stall the engine regardless of 
throttle position. I had to limp back to the dock by playing with the shifter 
and throttle positions and restarting the engine every time it stalled out. 
Luckily there was no wind on the way back and the calm conditions for those 
last few hundred metres to my dock allowed me to make headway. Even that 
distance of a few hundred metres took almost half an hour. 

There was no noticable vibration to make me thing the folding prop was 1/2 
deployed, the engine was running great with no load and started fine when it 
stalled under full load. 

What could be wrong - does this sound like a transmission issue ? 


"Melissa Anne" 
Corner Brook, NL 

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