I completely re-built mine a few years ago. I got all the parts from
edson, despite mine being 1979!
I pulled the stearing shaft out (2 set screws as I remember), sproket
was in good shape, just cleaned it up and put it back on.
While I had the pedestal off, I sandblasted it and had it powder coated.
Then I put:
2 new bearings
reused stearing axle (?)
reused sprocket (I couldn't see anything wrong with it)
new cross wire idlers below the cockpit (old ones were attached to
the rudder stop bit which was no longer servicable
new quadrant. There was nothing wrong with the old one except I had
to grind it off because the stainless steel bolts had
welded themselves to the aluminium quadrant. Probably someone
should have used a product for that.
New chain and cable
Edson guys were a real help. I phoned them with I've got this, I think
it was yours way back when...what will fit.
They sent me a parts list and I made the order. It showed up promptly
and it all fit!
Jeff Nelson
Senior Manager
Halifax, NS
Ph: 902-880-8243
On 10/09/2012 10:41 AM, djhaug...@juno.com wrote:
Made the trip the Martha's Vineyard and back but needed Tow BoatUS to get home.
We had our share of boat issues. Stuffing box nut came loose and we took on
some water on the way out and then one of my bilge pump hoses clogged. I got
all that sorted out and made it to Vineyard haven without incident. Then while
warming the engine to depart she over heated....a hose clamp snapped...really
strange, the band just broke. Anyway, I got that all sorted out and underway.
THEN...i was coming up on woods hole and decided to pull in the sail and motor
through. I had to do the furling myself as the winds were really up and it
needed some extra pulling. when I got back to the helm, I had no steering!
All my lines were accounted for, I didn't feel us hit anything and then the
wheel stuck and with a little effort, broke free and spun with no effect on the
rudder. I got the tiller out and I couldn't do anything and the rudder was
hard to port. I worked on it and managed to get it back to almost midships and
that helped in the tow. Then I had free movement from
midships to port and nothing further.
So, we couldn't get into Westport given the conditions and my lack of steering ability and it
was decided to put us over in New Bedford harbor for the night. New Bedford yacht club in
their strong desire to help out a distressed sailor kindly offer us a mooring at, get this,
90 EFFING DOLLARS A NIGHT!!!! ARE YOU S&(++ING ME?! Okay, Edgartown, the most expensive
moorings in the area, are $50 a night at peak season! WTF? thanks for nothing. I took that
sailor in trouble! On the other hand, big kudos to the New Bedford Harbor Master!!! He gave
us a mooring free of charge for the night! Also BIG BIG kudos to the Boat US guys. He runs
4 boats in the area. 2 in New Bedford one in Fairhaven and one in westport, I think. He got
us to New Bedford, arranged the free Mooring with the Harbor Master, drove us back to our car
in Westport and towed me back to Westport on Sunday all for the $149 annual fee for
Tow BoatUS. No extra charges!
Anyway, I climbed below and everything looked normal. No broken cables or
pulleys nothing jammed in the works from the lockers. Then, I pulled the
compass off and looked down and saw the chain had jumped off the sprocket. It
was apparent that someone had been in there before, as the Philips head screws
are stripped and I'm afraid of what I'm going to find when I get in there as
every other thing the PO messed with has been a hack job. The stripped screw
heads are NOT a good sign of things to come.
Does anyone have any insights on these pedestals. It seems the chain and
cables need replacing from time to time. I can't find any diagrams of the
inside workings of the pedestal anywhere. I'm imagining a tedious chore
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Boat_Sig Cheers,
Jeff Nelson
Muir Caileag
C&C 30
Armdale Y.C.
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