The LO300 started this morning @10. There are 140 boats racing on two courses.
Main Duck Course is 300 nm.... Port Credit to Kingston and returning along the US shore to Niagara and Port Credit. Scotch Bonnet Course is 160 nm...Port Credit to Brighton to Niagara and back to Port Credit. Lots of C&C's running the race. Each boat has a tracker and you can follow the race on line in real time at Click on the "Yellow Brick" logo to access the tracking. I ran this race (short course) 7 times in a Viking 28. Bought a C&C 29-2 this spring and I am planning to run the race again next year (too much to do to have the boat ready for this year) Best regards, Bob Hickson, P. Eng, RHI, CEA C&C 29-2 Flying Colours (416) 919-2297 <>
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