Just received this request from Practical Sailor -- Maybe some of our
members can help these people out.
C&C Photo Album Inquiry
Tighe Mullins- Practical Sailor has sent this email regarding the C&C
Photo Album.
The details they entered on the website are:
Name: Tighe Mullins- Practical Sailor
Email: ps.revi...@belvoirpubs.com
Enquiry: Dear C&C Enthusiasts,
Practical Sailor magazine www.practical-sailor.com is updating its used
sailboat reviews and looking for high-resolution (300 dpi) color images of
the C&C Express 110, C&C Landfall 38 and the C&C 40. Specifically, we are
looking for photos of boats under sail, but good photos of the cockpit,
deck, and interior would be appreciated. If you would like to help
Practical Sailor with this project and feature your boat in the upcoming
reviews, please send them to ps.revi...@belvoirpubs.com. Please include
your contact information and any known details about the boat where
relevant (owner, year, boat name, home port, etc.). Thank you very much
for your support.
Any questions about the project may be directed to Practical Sailor editor
Darrell Nicholson at practicalsai...@belvoirpubs.com.
Tighe Mullins
Editorial Assistant
Practical Sailor
7820 Holiday Dr. S.
Suite 315
Sarasota, FL 34231
This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album