If this is the case, the storage plug-in framework needs to be adaptive to
that a datastore may be preset from external source. Creating VMFS
datastore involves with complex interactive flow, for example, it requires
administrator to enable iScsi adapter on every ESX host under a cluster.
It does not make sense for CloudStack to get involved in vCenter's own


On 3/20/13 6:06 PM, "Mike Tutkowski" <mike.tutkow...@solidfire.com> wrote:

>Thanks, Kevlen
>That makes sense that in pre 4.2 we don't use VI SDK to create a datastore
>as we require the datastore to be set up ahead of creating Primary
>However, as far as I understand Edison's 4.2 storage plug-in framework,
>which creates the necessary storage when a VM is spun up or a data disk is
>created, CS will need to interact with VMware to create a datastore to map
>the newly created SAN volume into so that CS can make Primary Storage for
>This is my understanding of the 4.2 plug-in framework:
>* You create a storage plug-in.
>* Primary Storage can be associated with this plug-in (as opposed to being
>associated with pre-existing storage).
>* When a Compute or Disk Offering is executed and it is tagged to use
>Primary Storage that makes use of this plug-in, the plug-in is invoked to
>create the necessary storage (let's say an iSCSI volume).
>* A datastore (for VMware) or a storage repository (for XenServer) then
>needs to be created for the SAN volume to be utilized from CS.
>* The VM or data disk is placed on the datastore or storage repository and
>it (the VM or data disk) is the only object that ever utilizes this
>datastore or storage repository.
>On Wed, Mar 20, 2013 at 5:32 PM, Kelven Yang <kelven.y...@citrix.com>
>> We don't use VI SDK in CloudStack for VMware integration.
>> For VMFS datastore, CloudStack will not create it and will rely on
>> to do it. To enable a VMFS datastore involves a series of steps, the
>> is provided by vCenter.
>> Kelven
>> On 3/20/13 1:26 PM, "Mike Tutkowski" <mike.tutkow...@solidfire.com>
>> >Hi everyone,
>> >
>> >Has anyone every used the VI SDK or the VI Java API to create a VMFS
>> >datastore that makes use of an iSCSI target?
>> >
>> >I've been searching all over Google for some decent sample code.  I've
>> >found bits and pieces (more about NFS than iSCSI), but nothing that
>> >it all together.
>> >
>> >This was fairly easy to do with XenServer, but VMware seems to be
>> >in the sample-code area.
>> >
>> >Thanks!
>> >
>> >--
>> >*Mike Tutkowski*
>> >*Senior CloudStack Developer, SolidFire Inc.*
>> >e: mike.tutkow...@solidfire.com
>> >o: 303.746.7302
>> >Advancing the way the world uses the
>> >cloud<http://solidfire.com/solution/overview/?video=play>
>> >* *
>*Mike Tutkowski*
>*Senior CloudStack Developer, SolidFire Inc.*
>e: mike.tutkow...@solidfire.com
>o: 303.746.7302
>Advancing the way the world uses the

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