Yes Murali. We do NOT see any event being generated when creating user.

But updating a user , generates an event.

| 187 | 9411dc27-a7bd-4f51-ab80-f781674111e1 | USER.UPDATE               | 
Completed | Successfully completed updating User. UserId: 4                     
                |       2 |          3 |         1 | 2013-03-21 08:08:53 | INFO 
 |        0 | NULL       |        0 |


-----Original Message-----
From: Murali Reddy 
Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2013 5:50 PM
To:; Kelven Yang; Sangeetha Hariharan
Subject: Re: CLOUDSTACK-1568, CLOUDSTACK-1664: Fix ActionEvent interception and 
optimize @DB lookup with caching

As I mentioned, this is case with particular actions only. For e.g please check 
crete user generates event?

On 21/03/13 4:01 AM, "Sangeetha Hariharan"
<> wrote:

>Fix for CLOUDSTACK-1664 has not made it to 4.1 yet.
>Using builds from master , I am able to see the events being generated 
>when creating account and for many other activities like starting Vms , 
>creating firewall rules:
>| 94 | 7683e89f-2dc8-46a8-bb8e-4acf0c0bff53 | ACCOUNT.CREATE            |
>Completed | Successfully completed creating Account. Account Name:
>sangee, Domain Id:1        |       2 |          1 |         1 |
>2013-03-21 05:24:45 | INFO  |        0 | NULL       |        0 |
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Murali Reddy []
>Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2013 7:18 AM
>To: Kelven Yang;
>Subject: CLOUDSTACK-1568, CLOUDSTACK-1664: Fix ActionEvent interception 
>and optimize @DB lookup with caching
>Kelven, I see that you fixed action event issue in below commit. But I 
>am still running into some issues. While working on CLOUDSTACK-1673 I 
>noticed that in case of AccountManagerImpl, there are multiple methods 
>with same name. So in that case getAnnotation on the method is 
>returning null even though there is ActionEvent annotation. If I rename 
>method then action event annotation works fine. You can repro it by 
>creating user (there are two createUser methods in AccountManagerImpl). 
>I looked at ComponentMethodProxyCache to see if I can figure the 
>problem but with no luck. If you get a chance please try once.
>On 19/03/13 6:44 AM, "" <> wrote:
>>Updated Branches:
>>  refs/heads/master d9b85e397 -> fb94b7221
>>CLOUDSTACK-1568,CLOUDSTACK-1664: Fix ActionEvent interception and 
>>optimize @DB lookup with caching
>>Branch: refs/heads/master
>>Commit: fb94b72213bf96f2878b90260067f61629c6a956
>>Parents: d9b85e3
>>Author: Kelven Yang <>
>>Authored: Mon Mar 18 18:05:09 2013 -0700
>>Committer: Kelven Yang <>
>>Committed: Mon Mar 18 18:07:52 2013 -0700
>> .../com/cloud/event/    |   15 ++-
>> .../             |   14 ++-
>> .../utils/component/ |   90
>> .../utils/component/  |    1 -
>> .../cloud/utils/db/  |   14 +--
>> 5 files changed, 119 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

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