On Mar 19, 2013, at 9:07 AM, Sebastien Goasguen <run...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Chip,
> I am ready to update the /docs/pot directory and download the po files for 
> the translations.
> Warning: Something to note about the po files (which contains the translated 
> strings). There will be one file per corresponding xml files.
> So if we commit them to the repo (and I think we should), this is going to be 
> lots of small files.
> First question: Do we agree to commit the translation in the repo ?
> Second question: Do you want to do it, or can I do it in the 4.1 branch 
> directly ?
> -Sebastien

First set of commits for translations are in, see:


Updated pot files have been generated
All new docs uploaded to transifex
All existing translations pulled from transifex
All existing translations committed to 4.1 branch in language subdir containing 
.po files.

I checked license headers which got overwritten (something to iron out in 4.2 
process, I opened a bug)

I will build the docs later on and pull the UI translation next.


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