Writing a plugin and a new API for CloudStack is not difficult, we just need to put some content on our wikis; Do we want to release a new write a plugin or api video for 4.1+, I can volunteer?
I've updated the wiki: (read about the PluggableService design and how it helps ApiServer and ApiDiscoveryService) https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/CLOUDSTACK/CloudStack+API+Development There are only three steps: 1. Write your api cmd class with correct annotations (https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/CLOUDSTACK/Annotations+use+in+the+API) 2. Configure role based access in commands.properties.in 3. Your service should extend PluggableService. Add your api's cmd class to its implementation's getCommands() list of API classes. Make sure the service implementation is a Spring bean (put it either in one of the xmls or use the @Component annotation on the service impl). Note: In case you're adding an API to CloudStack server itself, add your API class in ManagementServerImpl's getCommands() list of APIs. Test with cloudmonkey! Cheers.