Looks OK to me

On 3/18/13 1:19 AM, "Sailaja Mada" <sailaja.m...@citrix.com> wrote:

>When the host is marked for Maintenance, the state of the host is
>returned as "up" .  Is it correct?
>Do we have any other state defined for the host if its resourcestate is
>Maintenance ?
>2013-03-18 13:46:11,565 INFO  [cloud.api.ApiServer]
>(catalina-exec-1:null) (userId=2 accountId=2
>sessionId=A628C66A3C8D46391E29E5571BAF7A8C) -- GET
>ssionkey=8Seg4yrNcJSosL0Q9%2Bo6P07KXLM%3D&_=1363594656273 200 {
>"listhostsresponse" : { "count":1 ,"host" : [
>ytotal":16186935744,"memoryallocated":0,"capabilities":"xen-3.0-x86_64 ,
>xen-3.0-x86_32p , hvm-3.0-x86_32 , hvm-3.0-x86_32p ,
>; Remove; AgentConnected; StartAgentRebalance; AgentDisconnected;
>HostDown; PingTimeout; ShutdownRequested;
>alse,"jobstatus":0} ] } }

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