
Regular plugin/adapter components should usually be loaded at run level
RUNLEVEL_COMPONENT(5). I think we can increase it to level 5


On 3/18/13 2:38 AM, "Mills, Joseph" <> wrote:

>Hi Prachi,
>I had a question regarding your commit for CLOUDSTACK-1604.
>I noticed that the HypervisorVmPlannerSelector run level is currently 0.
>This didn't appear to cause any problems until the fix for
>where a dependency on the 'configuration' database table was introduced.
>ConfigurationServerImpl appears to be the component that saves the default
>values to the 'configuration' table, but it's run level is 2. This means
>that on an initial boot up (where we populate the database for the first
>time), HypervisorVmPlannerSelector will get NULL for the config value it
>needs, which will prevent the user from deploying VMs later on.
> cannot find
>DeployPlannerSelector for vm[uuid:63b7bd9e-7be7-41e8-87e2-658d009e34cb,
>Is this all correct? If so, can we increase the run level of
>HypervisorVmPlannerSelector to 5?

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