I bring this up because as I look at the wiki there is no copyright notice nor 
does a search bring up a link to a copyright notice on the wiki. Is the wiki 
content licensed under the Apache License 2.0 like the manuals or does it fall 
under some other licensing?

The reason I ask  is that a number of us have participated in creating a case 
studies of Apache CloudStack successes and the documents are done  and ready to 

Ideally we would like to publish these docs (non-commercial purely factual) on 
the wiki(https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/CLOUDSTACK/Home) but we 
want to do this under the Creative Commons by SA 3.0  license (attribution to 
point back to the CloudStack wiki)  so that people can use them and remix them 
to help promote ACS. I know the manuals are licensed under the Apache License 
2.0 but there is no copyright or licensing information on the wiki that I can 

We suggest using the CCbySA license for these particular documents since when 
the case studies are redistributed it's a well understood documentation license 
and a checkbox license at places like ScribD etc. Our goal would be to have 
people reblog them and distribute the news of CloudStack success and not have 
to worry about copyright infringement etc. 

Thanks, Mark 

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