Tested the commit against 4.0 branch, 4.1 branch, and master dev environments. Successfully deployed zones with local and NFS primary storage, to the point of instances, then rebooted KVM host, and everything came back up. Asked reporter to test patch, but reporter found a workaround and moved on.
commit a58da3fa997425be2827d176f017077eec43feed Author: Marcus Sorensen <mar...@betterservers.com> Date: Wed Mar 13 15:29:09 2013 -0600 CLOUDSTACK-1648 - KVM - make storage pools non-persistent in libvirt. Persisting cloud-defined resources on the host has caused various problems. As a backward compatible fix, if an existing pool with a different name collides with a pool being created (by path), the pool will be redefined with the name cloudstack knows about. This is actually what brought up the bug, a persisted storage pool cloudstack wasn't managing.