Chip, et al: CLOUDSTACK-1631 is for the RPM build failures (that have been occurring for some days now.)
The error is: error: create archive failed on file /home/jenkins/build/workspace/package-rhel63-4.1/dist/rpmbuild/SOURCES/cloudstack-4.1.0-SNAPSHOT.tgz: cpio: Bad magic Bad Magic is _generally_ a problem with trying to manipulate files that have already be %doced. In reviewing the spec file I see that there are duplicate %doc definitions for LICENSE and NOTICE in the -management subpackage. My current EL6 environment is in disarray and I have NOT tested this solution (though it needs to be applied regardless, just not willing to guarantee it will solve the packaging failure issues - though I think it will.) The commit that needs to be cherry picked is this: 7a0f1bdf813ddb3a61a57d27b98f1ff7753d1be4 --David