Hey Brian,

I've created issue
track this issue.

I'm fairly new to JIRA.  I don't see how to assign the issue to anyone.  :)

On Thu, Mar 7, 2013 at 3:41 PM, Brian Federle <brian.fede...@citrix.com>wrote:

> Yes, please make a feature request for this. Having a table listing
> refresh should be fairly easy to implement; it is one of those things I
> wanted to fix but keep forgetting to do ;) You can assign to me or Pranav.
> -Brian
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mike Tutkowski [mailto:mike.tutkow...@solidfire.com]
> Sent: Thursday, March 07, 2013 1:37 PM
> To: cloudstack-dev@incubator.apache.org
> Subject: Question about "Refresh" buttons in the GUI
> Hi,
> I've noticed that some panels have a "Refresh" button and others don't
> (and in at least one case, it's actually called "Fetch latest").  I wonder
> if we would benefit from making this consistent across the GUI?  For
> example, when I destroy a VM, I don't actually see it disappear from the
> table it's in until I click on another tab and then click back to the
> Instances tab.
> Thoughts on this?  Is this "worthy" of a JIRA ticket?
> Thanks!
> --
> *Mike Tutkowski*
> *Senior CloudStack Developer, SolidFire Inc.*
> e: mike.tutkow...@solidfire.com
> o: 303.746.7302
> Advancing the way the world uses the
> cloud<http://solidfire.com/solution/overview/?video=play>
> *(tm)*

*Mike Tutkowski*
*Senior CloudStack Developer, SolidFire Inc.*
e: mike.tutkow...@solidfire.com
o: 303.746.7302
Advancing the way the world uses the

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