I think this just requires an updated system vm (the virtio-serial
portion). I've played a bit with the old debian 2.6.32-5-686-bigmem
one and can't get the device nodes to show up, even though the
/boot/config shows that it has CONFIG_VIRTIO_CONSOLE=y. However, if I
try this with a CentOS 6.3 VM, on a CentOS 6.3 or Ubuntu 12.04 KVM
host it works. So I'm not sure what's being used for the ipv6 update,
but we can probably make one that works. We'll need to install qemu-ga
and start it within the systemvm as well.

On Mon, Mar 4, 2013 at 12:41 PM, Edison Su <edison...@citrix.com> wrote:
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Marcus Sorensen [mailto:shadow...@gmail.com]
>> Sent: Sunday, March 03, 2013 12:13 PM
>> To: cloudstack-dev@incubator.apache.org
>> Subject: [DISCUSS] getting rid of KVM patchdisk
>> For those who don't know (this probably doesn't matter, but...), when KVM
>> brings up a system VM, it creates a 'patchdisk' on primary storage. This
>> patchdisk is used to pass along 1) the authorized_keys file and 2) a 
>> 'cmdline'
>> file that describes to the systemvm startup services all of the various
>> properties of the system vm.
>> Example cmdline file:
>>  template=domP type=secstorage host= port=8250 name=s-1-
>> VM
>> zone=1 pod=1 guid=s-1-VM
>> resource=com.cloud.storage.resource.NfsSecondaryStorageResource
>> instance=SecStorage sslcopy=true role=templateProcessor mtu=1500
>> eth2ip= eth2mask= gateway=
>> public.network.device=eth2 eth0ip= eth0mask=
>> eth1ip= eth1mask= mgmtcidr=
>> localgw= private.network.device=eth1 eth3ip=
>> eth3mask= storageip=
>> storagenetmask= storagegateway=
>> internaldns1= dns1=
>> This patch disk has been bugging me for awhile, as it creates a volume that
>> isn't really tracked anywhere or known about in cloudstack's database. Up
>> until recently these would just litter the KVM primary storages, but there's
>> been some triage done to attempt to clean them up when the system vms
>> go away. It's not perfect. It also can be inefficient for certain primary 
>> storage
>> types, for example if you end up creating a bunch of 10MB luns on a SAN for
>> these.
>> So my question goes to those who have been working on the system vm.
>> My first preference (aside from a full system vm redesign, perhaps
>> something that is controlled via an API) would be to copy these up to the
>> system vm via SCP or something. But the cloud services start so early on that
>> this isn't possible. Next would be to inject them into the system vm's root
>> disk before starting the server, but if we're allowing people to make their
>> own system vms, can we count on the partitions being what we expect? Also
>> I don't think this will work for RBD, which qemu directly connects to, with 
>> the
>> host OS unaware of any disk.
>> Options?
> Could you take a look at the status of this projects in KVM?
> http://wiki.qemu.org/Features/QAPI/GuestAgent
> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/VirtioSerial
> Basically, we need a way to talk to guest VM(sending parameters to KVM guest) 
> after VM is booted up. Both VMware/Xenserver has its own way to send 
> parameters to guest VM through PV driver, but there is no such thing for KVM 
> few years ago.

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