On Mar 1, 2013, at 7:22 PM, "Musayev, Ilya" <imusa...@webmd.net> wrote:

> Writing this email to get a feel of what community thinks of creating 
> CloudStack spins. Basically, in my case I have a need for some features that 
> are in 4.2 master branch but are not available in 4.1 code base.
> While I wholeheartedly agree with our process at the moment of having code 
> freezes and pushing the code that has not been committed into next release 
> cycle, there are some major features that are needed to speed up the adoption 
> process of CloudStack.
> I also understand that we can't delay the release cycles because code X is 
> not ready to be committed. Unfortunately this is going to happen with every 
> release and it's a part of normal development cycle. To complement this 
> issue, I propose running community lead spins.
> For example, I was able to port over the VmWare DVSwitch support from master 
> to 4.1 code base, I may need to port over additional VMware features like 
> "full disk clone"  that are in 4.2 master but won't be in 4.1.  I can only do 
> what's needed in my environment and can't really port features for other 
> folks as I have no resources. Fortunately, my environment is similar to many 
> other corporate environments outthere and it will benefit many.
> The reason for this work is that we (as well as others I know), need  some 
> features and bug fixes now in order to deploy cloudstack and start using it 
> in production - rather than wait for 4.2 realese which will probably at best 
> be out in 6 month or so.
> My intent is to share my codebase on github as well as provide RPMs on 
> www.cloudsand.com - the site I'm creating for my CS journey.

I get a 404 on this.

> *I will make it clear that CS community won't support you on the spins, as 
> its not something that is part of official release.*
> Curious if anyone on this list has a similar need and would like keep to join 
> on cloudstack spins project. If you have a similar need as I do, rather than 
> working separately, we should work as a team and share the  code base. The 
> point of this project is to cherry pick immediate features and bug fixes that 
> are not in current release - but if ported over, will have significant 
> benefit to a community.
> Another reason for the spins is to release CS with specific bug fixes more 
> frequently, rather than have community wait for official update which is 
> cumulative, but may take a while to be released.
> Comments are welcome, I'm certain some will disagree with this approach, 
> hence this effort will probably be off this list.
> All best
> -ilya
> Ps: grammar errors are not mine but androids.

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