I reviewed the test cases and looks good.

Please plan to add the following scenarios:

  * Restart of network when cleanup is set to true, should result in
    removal of reservation.
  * Include cases for IP Reservation when AutoScale is configured.
  * Reset of Reservation happens when guestvmcidr and networkcidr are
    identical.Include test case for reset also.
  * Networks like Control network and Shared network must not allow
    reservation. Include test cases for both.


On Wednesday 30 January 2013 09:06 PM, Sowmya Krishnan wrote:
> Hi,
> I've uploaded test cases for feature:  'IP Range reservation within a 
> network' and is open for review. Please find the test cases here: 
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/CLOUDSTACK/IP+Range+Reservation+within+a+Network+Test+Cases
> Reference FS:  
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/CLOUDSTACK/IP+Range+Reservation+within+a+Network
> Thanks,
> Sowmya

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