Another work-around may be to not require new systemvms unless the ipv6
feature is required in which case:
A. We provide the bits of the systemvm of whatever Sheng's been testing
with (with the caveat that it is under development/beta)
B. Write a patch for cloud-early-config (or ssh in after VR is created) to
apt-get update + apt-get install <ipv6 packages>

On 2/26/13 10:15 PM, "Rohit Yadav" <> wrote:

>On Wed, Feb 27, 2013 at 3:45 AM, Sheng Yang <> wrote:
>> When I first report the bug
>> I've set the target for 4.1 because of ipv6 need.
>> When Rohit fixed it, it was changed to 4.2, sorry I didn't aware of
>Yes Sheng is correct, I was responsible for that because the
>feature/code to create systemvms was not even started and since I
>started working on it after the code freeze, I moved the version to
>It was only recently when I found out that ipv6 is going to make it in
>4.1, in that case the feature is code complete [1] and we've an
>automated jenkins job. The only problems are:
>- Code syncing: I did not cherry-pick the code to 4.1
>- Testing: We need to test against 4.1 branch that the
>appliance/template really works [2]
>I'm sorry Sheng if ipv6 won't make in 4.1 because of this. But I would
>try my best to test/fix the template for Xen at least before 28/2, I
>really want to see your feature go in 4.1
>Since, 4.1 is frozen, community would have to make an exception to at
>least allow the new systemvms templates (if not the code) to be used
>in case it works fine for all three (kvm, xen and vmware) and we could
>still fix/test ahead of time, we still have few more weeks before the
>release; otherwise we can always use the same old template.
>Comments, suggestions, especially from Chip and ppmc?
>> --Sheng
>> On Tue, Feb 26, 2013 at 2:12 PM, Chip Childers
>> <> wrote:
>>> On Tue, Feb 26, 2013 at 02:07:37PM -0800, Chandan Purushothama wrote:
>>>> Building System VM Template is a 4.2 feature
>>>>  The system VM
>>>>Templates posted by Rohit is for the Master branch
>>>>tSuccessfulBuild/artifact/tools/appliance/dist/ . I am referring to
>>>>the ASF 4.1 Release System VM Templates in my question.
>>> So in that case, I guess the only system VMs we have to use now are the
>>> same ones we used for 4.0 (which were inherited from Citrix pre-ASF).

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