Thanks Sheng.

I've fixed all the diversions I found, on 4.1 branch I was able to
deploydb, mgmt server did a rolling upgrade to 4.1.0, I was able to
deploy a basic zone and run basic vm life cycle smoke tests.
But if anything breaks you know this thread was on the ML that someone
failed to see :)


On Wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 1:41 AM, Sheng Yang <> wrote:
> Db upgrade path for ipv6 on 4.1/master done.
> --Sheng
> On Tue, Feb 19, 2013 at 3:07 AM, Rohit Yadav <> wrote:
>> Following people please reply:
>> Edison, Sheng, Kishan, Hugo Vijay.
>> Koushik, please reply and fix the max host per cluster changes in
>> Regards.
>> On Sat, Feb 16, 2013 at 5:49 PM, Rohit Yadav <> wrote:
>>> Hi, I recently fixed some db stuff for 4.1 release but on master,
>>> mainly to support rolling release
>>> (4.2 goal:
>>> What was done:
>>> - Remove and merge 4.1-new-db-schema.sql to schema-40to410.sql
>>> - Fix jetty's classpath so the db files for rolling updates are
>>> readable: ${}/utilities/scripts/db/
>>> - I've moved changes since 4.0 to: schema-40to410-cleanup.sql
>>> schema-40to410.sql
>>> - Add stubs for Upgrade410to420, schema-410to420.sql and
>>> schema-410to420-cleanup.sql
>>> - Fix building and deploy database
>>> - Refactor new change in create-schema/premium to schema40-410.sql:
>>>     - Move changes since 4.0 to schema upgrade path (schema40-410.sql)
>>>     - Comment out some table names where we're trying to copy uuid from id, 
>>> they
>>>       don't exists (which don't exist in 4.0 for example)
>>>     - We don't run above step for tables which are newly created for
>>> 410 and don't
>>>       exist in 4.0 for example autoscale related ones, code is
>>> commented and not removed
>>>     - Drop indexes which are removed before dropping the column
>>>     - Comment out insertion, as for default region we're inserting the same 
>>> in
>>>       code, in ConfigurationServerImpl:createDefaultRegion(), fix same
>>> in premium
>>> Latest difference between 4.0 and 4.1.0 schema (create-schema-view.sql
>>> not included):
>>> Any 4.2 db schema changes should go to:
>>>            schema-410to420-cleanup.sql  schema-410to420.sql
>>> And upgrade paths must be fixed in the class Upgrade410to420.
>>> 4.1 TODOs:
>>> - Fix cleaning up path and schema-40to410-cleanup.sql
>>> - In sql files, use full names like `cloud`.`table names` (Hugo comment?)
>>> - Fix syntax, in some places it's lowercase, some cases it's uppercase
>>> Our aim to make sure the schema is same as 4.0s' this means
>>> should be almost
>>> None.
>>> Edison, I got a conflict in schema40-410.sql (use the one in 
>>> create-schema.sql):
>>> @@ -171,7 +172,7 @@ CREATE TABLE `cloud`.`template_s3_ref` (
>>>    CONSTRAINT `uc_template_s3_ref__template_id` UNIQUE (`template_id`),
>>>    CONSTRAINT `fk_template_s3_ref__s3_id` FOREIGN KEY
>>> `fk_template_s3_ref__s3_id` (`s3_id`) REFERENCES `s3` (`id`) ON DELETE
>>>    CONSTRAINT `fk_template_s3_ref__template_id` FOREIGN KEY
>>> `fk_template_s3_ref__template_id` (`template_id`) REFERENCES
>>> `vm_template` (`id`),
>>> -  INDEX `i_template_s3_ref__swift_id`(`s3_id`),
>>> +  INDEX `i_template_s3_ref__s3_id`(`s3_id`),
>>>    INDEX `i_template_s3_ref__template_id`(`template_id`)
>>> Also, I saw user_vm_temp, what is this table used for, I could not
>>> find a creating definition, commented it out:
>>> @@ -253,7 +262,7 @@ UPDATE `cloud`.`swift` set uuid=id WHERE uuid is NULL;
>>>  UPDATE `cloud`.`upload` set uuid=id WHERE uuid is NULL;
>>>  UPDATE `cloud`.`user` set uuid=id WHERE uuid is NULL;
>>>  UPDATE `cloud`.`user_ip_address` set uuid=id WHERE uuid is NULL;
>>> -UPDATE `cloud`.`user_vm_temp` set uuid=id WHERE uuid is NULL;
>>> +-- UPDATE `cloud`.`user_vm_temp` set uuid=id WHERE uuid is NULL;
>>>  UPDATE `cloud`.`virtual_router_providers` set uuid=id WHERE uuid is NULL;
>>> Is it okay, if not pl. advise/fix it?
>>> Sheng, can you identify and move any of the ipv6/4.2 stuff to
>>> schema-410to420-cleanup.sql  schema-410to420.sql as applicable.
>>> Alex, rolling update works, tested for 4.0 to 4.1.0 :)
>>> -INSERT INTO `version` (`version`, `updated`, `step`) VALUES('4.1.0',
>>> now(), 'Complete');
>>> +INSERT INTO `version` (`version`, `updated`, `step`) VALUES('4.0.0',
>>> now(), 'Complete');
>>> Kishan, for your regions changes, I commented out the default region
>>> as this in persisted upon running mgmt server in
>>> ConfigurationServerImpl:createDefaultRegion():
>>> In schema-40to410.sql:
>>> +-- INSERT INTO `cloud`.`region` values
>>> ('1','Local','http://localhost:8080/client/api','','');
>>> +ALTER TABLE `cloud`.`account` ADD COLUMN `region_id` int unsigned NOT
>>> Pl. check?
>>> Vijay, for your autoscale changes, I had to comment out in
>>> schema-410to420.sql  as these tables did not exist in 4.0, so we don't
>>> need to fill uuid column with id.
>>> @@ -264,23 +273,258 @@ UPDATE `cloud`.`vpc_gateways` set uuid=id WHERE
>>> uuid is NULL;
>>>  UPDATE `cloud`.`vpc_offerings` set uuid=id WHERE uuid is NULL;
>>>  UPDATE `cloud`.`vpn_users` set uuid=id WHERE uuid is NULL;
>>>  UPDATE `cloud`.`volumes` set uuid=id WHERE uuid is NULL;
>>> -UPDATE `cloud`.`autoscale_vmgroups` set uuid=id WHERE uuid is NULL;
>>> -UPDATE `cloud`.`autoscale_vmprofiles` set uuid=id WHERE uuid is NULL;
>>> -UPDATE `cloud`.`autoscale_policies` set uuid=id WHERE uuid is NULL;
>>> -UPDATE `cloud`.`counter` set uuid=id WHERE uuid is NULL;
>>> -UPDATE `cloud`.`conditions` set uuid=id WHERE uuid is NULL;
>>> +-- UPDATE `cloud`.`autoscale_vmgroups` set uuid=id WHERE uuid is NULL;
>>> +-- UPDATE `cloud`.`autoscale_vmprofiles` set uuid=id WHERE uuid is NULL;
>>> +-- UPDATE `cloud`.`autoscale_policies` set uuid=id WHERE uuid is NULL;
>>> +-- UPDATE `cloud`.`counter` set uuid=id WHERE uuid is NULL;
>>> +-- UPDATE `cloud`.`conditions` set uuid=id WHERE uuid is NULL;
>>> Hugo, I moved 4.0 post changes for ex. nicira_nvp_router_map to
>>> schema-40to410.sql See if it's okay.
>>> Min, I check both create-schema-view and schema-40to410.sql they were
>>> in sync so we can just remove create-schema-view. I moved the create
>>> view related definitions at the end of the  schema-40to410.sql  file
>>> as it depends on some other tables being created for example counters
>>> etc.
>>> Changes we need to cherry pick on 4.1 branch if it's verified to work
>>> fine; 
>>> 87b668b71b34c93e9ba85d4708a1c04f4020f6bf..16e81130cca78d2a10ff47856e374d92fa4f3ecc
>>> (except 0e354473f799fd3a387747c8fdb85d65ecac8fea)
>>> Regards.

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