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(Updated Feb. 15, 2013, 7:30 p.m.)

Review request for cloudstack, John Kinsella, Prasanna Santhanam, and Kelcey 


These scripts will execute following test cases on UI through Firefox. (Test 
Cases taken from :: http://wiki.cloudstack.org/display/QA/Manual+BVT)

Login Admin user to UI.
Create an Account name Test.
Logout Admin user.
Login Test user.

Add a new Disk Offering.
Edit this Disk offering.
Delete this Disk offering.

Add a new Compute Offering.
Edit this Compute offering.
Delete this Compute offering.

Logout Test user.
Login Admin user.
Delete Test user Account. And tear down the Browser instance.

# End of Tests


This addresses bug CLOUDSTACK-1180.


  test/selenium/ReadMe.txt PRE-CREATION 
  test/selenium/lib/Global_Locators.py PRE-CREATION 
  test/selenium/lib/__init__.py PRE-CREATION 
  test/selenium/lib/initialize.py PRE-CREATION 
  test/selenium/smoke/Login_and_Accounts.py PRE-CREATION 
  test/selenium/smoke/Service_Offering.py PRE-CREATION 
  test/selenium/smoke/TemplatesAndISO.py PRE-CREATION 
  test/selenium/smoke/VM_lifeCycle.py PRE-CREATION 
  test/selenium/smoke/main.py PRE-CREATION 

Diff: https://reviews.apache.org/r/9336/diff/


Tested with network refactor branch.


Parth Jagirdar

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