Yes, that's what I meant. Thanks for the clarification.

Manan Shah

On 2/14/13 11:45 AM, "Prachi Damle" <> wrote:

>Hi Manan,
>I assume affinity level means affinity type.
>For 4.2, plan is to add a framework for processing affinity groups and
>provide implementation for types: host affinity and host anti-affinity
>Since the affinity implementations will be plugins, admin could support
>other types by adding the plugin implementations to the deployment.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Manan Shah 
>Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2013 11:41 AM
>To: Prachi Damle; Alex Huang;
>Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] Affinity / Anti-affinity Rules
>Hi Prachi,
>My understanding is that we would build a framework for allowing admins
>to specify the levels of affinity/anti-affinity but for CS 4.2, we will
>support only one level. Is that a correct assumption?
>Manan Shah
>On 2/8/13 5:17 PM, "Prachi Damle" <> wrote:
>>I have updated the FS with the  addition of the
>>DeploymentPlanningManager entity.
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Prachi Damle
>>Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2013 1:38 PM
>>To: Alex Huang;
>>Subject: RE: [DISCUSS] Affinity / Anti-affinity Rules
>>Thanks for the detailed review. I will couple the affinity design with
>>the deployment planner refactoring I had next in line then. Will update
>>the FS with these details.
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Alex Huang
>>Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2013 12:00 PM
>>To: Prachi Damle;
>>Subject: RE: [DISCUSS] Affinity / Anti-affinity Rules
>>If it's an elective option, then it shouldn't have options in the
>>deployvm api.  We can't decouple the code but then say it's coupled at
>>deployvm api call.
>>I think it makes sense to have the affinity be part of orchestration.
>>If so, then it makes sense to do this.
>>- Write DeploymentPlanningManager which contains planning for volume,
>>vm, and network.
>>- For VM deployment, DPM goes through the following stages
>>      - Affinity - to set deploymentplan scope and exclude list (we might
>>think about merging the two).
>>      - DeploymentPlanner - to use heuristics to find the best spot to place
>>the vm/volume.
>>      - Allocator - which matches the requirements to capabilities of the
>>physical resource.
>>If you think about it, then it makes sense because each matches to the
>>functionality it serves.
>>      - Affinity - matches user preference to narrow down where to deploy.
>>      - DeploymentPlanner - matches algorithms set by Administrator to give
>>best performance/value/feature
>>      - Allocator - matches physical requirements.
>>This would mean taking Allocator out of DeploymentPlanner
>>implementations.  It is very similar to your intent with an
>>I think actually this works out very well with the idea of reservations
>>as well.  You might think about doing the two together as a refactor of
>>Deployment Planning.
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Prachi Damle
>>> Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2013 11:39 PM
>>> To: Alex Huang;
>>> Subject: RE: [DISCUSS] Affinity / Anti-affinity Rules
>>> Hi Alex,
>>> Thanks for the review, I have answered inline. Please comment.
>>> I guess the FS needs more description reasoning the 2-component
>>> design to avoid confusion.
>>> -Prachi
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Alex Huang
>>> Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2013 4:49 PM
>>> To: Prachi Damle;
>>> Subject: RE: [DISCUSS] Affinity / Anti-affinity Rules
>>> Hi Prachi,
>>> A few comments about this spec.
>>> - What is the error when planning fails?  What details will it give?
>>> [Prachi] I was planning to still rely on the deployment planner to
>>> throw exception since planner will be the component that will find
>>> out that placement is not possible.
>>> But it is a good point and I will add a custom exception that the
>>> AffinityProcessor can throw if upon analysis it finds the affinity
>>> rule cannot be followed. This will save the planner execution.
>>> - Why are HostAffinityProcessor and HostAntiAffinityProcessor
>>> different implementations?  The requirements says they should be
>>> specified concurrently so shouldn't they be the same processor?  Or
>>> are you planning for this adapter to be an adapter chain?
>>> [Prachi] Yes I am planning this to be a chain of adapters, each can
>>> handle a specific affinity type.
>>> - I'm not really sure I understand the design.  It would seem like
>>> this can be designed in two ways.
>>>     1. Affinity Group is an integrated part of cloud-engine and
>>> AffinityGroupProcessor is ran before all DeploymentPlanners to set
>>> the scope of DeploymentPlan and ExcludeList.  If this is the case, I
>>> don't understand why there is a AffinityGroupPlanner.
>>>     2. The entire thing is implemented as a DeploymentPlanner.  If it is
>>> implemented as a DeploymentPlanner, then why do we need the
>>> AffinityGroupProcessor interface?  Why not just have it as a property
>>> of that DeploymentPlanner implementation?
>>> After giving it some thought, I think it is important that affinity
>>> group is part of core orchestration.  If so then I would prefer 1.
>>> The current spec has both so I'm confused on this.
>>> - The getType() of the AffinityGroupProcessor seems like it's more
>>> similar to the getName of the adapter already, which needs to be
>>> unique.  I think you just need more descriptions on what the
>>> processor does so the end user can understand how to use it?
>>> [Prachi] Since use of the affinity groups will be done during VM
>>>placement, I wanted to stick to add all logic to DeploymentPlanner.
>>> This will make sure that anytime the planner gets called (deployment,
>>>restart, migration, HA) affinity groups are take care of.  Still I see
>>>the need of being able to plugin custom implementations for various
>>>types of affinity/anti-affinity. So pushed out the handling of the
>>>affinityType to a separate adapter.
>>> Thus AffinityPlanner could be as simple as just running through the
>>> chain of AffinityGroupProcessor's and it will not change even if we
>>> introduce any new affinity types. It will be the hook in Cloudstack,
>>> for the plugins implementing affinity types
>>> As you say we could keep this part of cloud-engine and run through
>>> the chain of AffinityGroupProcessor before planners - but it will not
>>> take care of other usecases that directly call planners for placement.
>>> - Can you check with Min on her creation of the REST API?  Can we
>>> start using the REST only API from here on?
>>> [Prachi ]Sure will sync up with Min on REST API.
>>> --Alex
>>> > -----Original Message-----
>>> > From: Prachi Damle []
>>> > Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2013 2:42 PM
>>> > To:
>>> > Subject: RE: [DISCUSS] Affinity / Anti-affinity Rules
>>> >
>>> > Hey all,
>>> >
>>> > Following up on this feature discussion. I have put up an initial
>>> > draft of the FS for this feature here:
>>> >
>>> > y
>>> > -
>>> > Anti-affinity+groups
>>> >
>>> > As per discussions below, the scope of the feature now consists of
>>> > a generic framework for defining affinity groups in CloudStack and
>>> > a default implementation to support host affinity and anti-affinity.
>>> >
>>> > Please provide your comments.
>>> >
>>> > Thanks,
>>> > Prachi
>>> >
>>> > -----Original Message-----
>>> > From: Chip Childers []
>>> > Sent: Monday, January 07, 2013 6:30 AM
>>> > To:
>>> > Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] Affinity / Anti-affinity Rules
>>> >
>>> > On Mon, Jan 7, 2013 at 1:22 AM, Chris Sears
>>> > <>
>>> > wrote:
>>> > > Greetings,
>>> > >
>>> > > I understand the motivation for a feature like this, but I'm
>>> > > concerned that the concepts of affinity and anti-affinity might
>>> > > not be appropriate cloud-level abstractions to expose to end users.
>>> > > Also, it might be difficult to effectively automate decisions
>>> > > about fault and performance domains, both of which would vary
>>> > > greatly between
>>> > deployments.
>>> > >
>>> > > Using anti-affinity rules to make sure HA-related VMs aren't
>>> > > placed on the same host seems like the most critical use case.
>>> > > What if we narrowed the scope of the feature to just address that
>>> > > Building on Chiradeep's idea, VMs could have an anti-affinity
>>> > > group
>>> attribute.
>>> > > VMs in the same anti-affinity group must be placed on different
>>> > > For the first implementation, the guarantee would only apply to
>>> > > initial
>>> > provisioning.
>>> >
>>> > It could actually apply any time a planner is used to select a host
>>> > (which I think also includes CloudStack "HA").
>>> >
>>> > > @Manan, would that be sufficient?
>>> > >
>>> > > Regards
>>> > >
>>> > >  - Chris
>>> > >
>>> > >
>>> > > On Fri, Jan 4, 2013 at 6:50 PM, Prachi Damle
>>> > <>wrote:
>>> > >
>>> > >> Yes, requirements seem vague. What parameters define
>>> > >> affinity/anti-affinity?
>>> > >>
>>> > >> Requirements mention
>>> > >> >>  For each VM, users should be able to provide both (Affinity
>>> > >> >> VMs and
>>> > >> Anti-affinity VMs) lists concurrently. For example, VM-A can
>>> > >> have affinity with VMs B & C and anti-affinity with VMs D & E at
>>> > >> the same
>>> time.
>>> > >> >> When configuring Affinity / anti-affinity for a VM, users
>>> > >> >> should be
>>> > >> allowed to provide a list of affinity / anti-affinity VMs (via
>>> > >> API) or select affinity /anti-affinity VMs from a list (via UI)
>>> > >>
>>> > >> When user specifies VM-A can have affinity with VMs B & C does
>>> > >> that mean they should be placed on same pod or same
>>> > >> hypervisor(cluster or
>>> > >> host) by the allocation logic?
>>> > >>
>>> > >> -Prachi
>>> > >> -----Original Message-----
>>> > >> From: Chiradeep Vittal []
>>> > >> Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2013 6:06 PM
>>> > >> To: CloudStack DeveloperList
>>> > >> Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] Affinity / Anti-affinity Rules
>>> > >>
>>> > >> Actually the proposal is quite vague.
>>> > >> What does affinity mean to the end-user?
>>> > >> What guarantees are being asked for?
>>> > >>  - the vms are on the same hypervisor (affinity)
>>> > >>  - the vms are not on the same hypervisor (anti)
>>> > >>  - the vms are interconnected by a high-speed interconnect
>>> > >> (affinity)
>>> > >>  - the vms are in different failure domains (host/cluster/pod)
>>> > >>
>>> > >> I find the concept of affinity groups useful.
>>> > >> A possible workflow would be
>>> > >> 1. Create an affinity group of type 'Foo'
>>> > >> 1a. Group type indicates the guarantee 2. Create a VM in the
>>> > >> group
>>> > >>
>>> > >> VMs can only leave groups on vm destruction.
>>> > >>
>>> > >> But without the specific type of guarantee, it is hard to
>>> > >> discuss this proposal.
>>> > >>
>>> > >> On 1/3/13 4:23 PM, "Manan Shah" <> wrote:
>>> > >>
>>> > >> >Hi,
>>> > >> >
>>> > >> >I would like to propose a new feature for enabling Affinity /
>>> > >> >Anti-affinity rules in CS 4.1. I have created a JIRA ticket and
>>> > >> >provided the requirements at the following location.  Please
>>> > >> >provide feedback on the requirements.
>>> > >> >
>>> > >> >JIRA Ticket:
>>> > >> >
>>> > >> >Requirements:
>>> > >> >
>>> > >> >+
>>> > >> >-
>>> > +An
>>> > >> >ti-
>>> > >> >aff
>>> > >> >i
>>> > >> >nity+rules
>>> > >> >
>>> > >> >
>>> > >> >Regards,
>>> > >> >Manan Shah
>>> > >> >
>>> > >>
>>> > >>
>>> > >>

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