On Wed, Feb 13, 2013 at 3:54 PM, Mike Tutkowski
<mike.tutkow...@solidfire.com> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I'm reviewing the info here about CS domains, accounts, and users:
> http://wiki.cloudstack.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=8224884
> Can someone provide me with a concrete example as to how a Cloud Service
> Provider might use this scheme?  I'm just thinking an example like CSP 1
> has 20 customers.  This CSP might make use of CS domains, accounts, and
> users this way: <example>
> Thanks!

Accounts are the lowest 'accounting' divisor. So thinking about
billing and chargeback, and resource restrictions (or at least the
lowest level of restrictions) , and that's the account level. Each
account has one or more users. Users have access to the resources of
the account.

So if it's a public service provider:

You might have general purpose /Users domain, and all of the small
customers get lumped in there as accounts.
You might also have a large customer, say, David's Cog Factory, and
they want more granular approach, but still the ability to have
'enterprise-wide' (or in this case domain-wide) so they'd get their
own domain (say /Cogs) and then they may want to further divy up
resources, and have isolated resources for development, R&D, etc. So
they might use subdomains for that (/Cogs/RandD and /Cogs/Dev) again
with their own set of constraints. Within Cogs/Dev you might want each
development team to have an account, and each developer to be a user.

Make sense?


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