Scrape the log for ' now listening on port 8080' or parse netstat output for 
something similar? Possibly keep trying to access the API until a valid 
response is given. Just throwing these out there, disregard if they are useless 
to you.


On Feb 13, 2013, at 9:51 AM, Prasanna Santhanam <> wrote:

> I know the service cloudstack-management status shows running but
> while the server is coming up for the first time (eg: ephemeral test
> environment) how does one detect that the service is actually
> ready for requests on 8080? 
> I could use the auth mechanism that the UI uses by forming a
> listcapabilities call after login. But is there any other  way?
> The problem I'm facing is that I alter the configuration table to suit
> my test but the ConfigurationServer class later populates the default
> values overwriting my settings.
> -- 
> Prasanna.,

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