I don't plan on mentioning all of these here, but for the first time I thought I would…
The first bay area CloudStack meet up is being hosted by Brocade in San Jose on the 20th of February, from 6pm-9pm. Brief agenda: 6:00 Registration, grab a beer and pizza 6:45 An Introduction to Apache CloudStack by Animesh Chaturvedi 7:20 Apache CloudStack Architecture by Alex Huang 8:10 Developing a Plugin for Apache CloudStack by Edison Su We'll also be looking for input for topics to cover in future meetups. Full details can be found at http://www.meetup.com/CloudStack-SF-Bay-Area-Users-Group/events/103725962/ *** You NEED to RSVP if you're planning on joining us! Space is limited! John Stratosec - Secure Infrastructure as a Service o: 415.315.9385 @johnlkinsella