It is confusing -- gaah.
I could be persuaded that it could be licensed as Apache. But IANAL and we
went through the legal wringer already on this in Aug/Sep.

To build the actual systemvm, I would call another helper script in post
install: which replicates the packages() function in

To perform the overrides of default config files, it seems we would need
the puppet provisioner in vagrant?

On 2/5/13 6:49 PM, "Rohit Yadav" <> wrote:

>I'm not sure it applies, I did not copy them, veewee generates the
>definitions for you which are like stubs and you modify the
>definitions as per your needs. MIT should be compatible with APL?
>Besides, we're not including veewee in our codebase, they are just
>config files for veewee.
>This is not something new, we've veewee definitions in
>tools/devcloud/src/deps/boxes for devcloud etc. If this is an issue,
>we need to fix it there as well.
>On Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 5:24 AM, Chiradeep Vittal
><> wrote:
>> What I meant was to
>>  - retain the MIT license and not change the license
>>  - maintain in our repo.
>>  - optionally recognize the provenance (either in NOTICE or in the
>> directory)
>> On 2/5/13 1:44 PM, "Chip Childers" <> wrote:
>>>On Tue, Feb 5, 2013 at 2:34 PM, Chiradeep Vittal
>>><> wrote:
>>>> Rohit,
>>>> I see that you have followed the code from
>>>> 6-netboot
>>>> Since that code is under MIT license:
>>>> I think we should not check it in or reproduce the MIT license.
>>>Just to be clear, by "reproduce", are you suggesting that we include
>>>the legal docs for this?  (assuming that we want to keep it in the
>>>repo, which I'm personally a +1 on)
>>>> On 2/5/13 4:24 AM, "Rohit Yadav" <> wrote:
>>>>>Just wanted to share some wip, based on the way we can build devcloud
>>>>>and basebox appliance, I've added a template systemvm appliance which
>>>>>can be built using veewee and currently has VMDK disk image format.
>>>>>It's based on Debian b4-i386, has 256MB ram and 2GB HDD. The built
>>>>>vbox disk can be exported as ova, raw disk image, qcow2 etc.
>>>>>I've put it under tools/appliance. Maybe we should move our appliance
>>>>>building code which is in tools/devcloud/src to tools/appliance? Pl.
>>>>>feel free to hack on it, update the README and scripts.
>>>>>We now just need to port the patches/systemvm/debian/
>>>>>to tools/appliance/definitions/systemvmtemplate/ and add
>>>>>cleanup code.
>>>>> - Install [RVM](
>>>>> - Setup paths:  export PATH=~/.rvm/bin:$PATH
>>>>> - Install Ruby 1.9.3, if it installed some other version: rvm install
>>>>>cd tools/appliance
>>>>>veewee vbox list
>>>>>(Modify scripts in definitions/systemvmtemplate/ as per needs)
>>>>>veewee vbox build 'systemvmtemplate'
>>>>>veewee vbox up 'systemvmtemplate'  # start the box

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