
Japan CloudStack User Group member and more people from CloudStack eco
system vendor (over 24 people) wrote CloudStack Book based on Apache
CloudStack 4.0.0.

Total is 380 pages and its published from one of major Japanese publisher,
Now its sold out in Amazon, but it will be available tomorrow or soon.
If you want to learn Apache CloudStack and *Japanese*, check it out:)

Table of Contents
1. Apache CloudStack overview
2. CloudStack Architecture
3. Install and configuration
4. How to use - Admin interface
5. How to use - User interface
6. System design guide
7. Operation, Monitoring and Troubleshooting
8. Development with CloudStack API
9. How to contribute
10. CloudStack Eco System

Special thanks to Japan CloudStack User Group Member and CloudStack
Ecosystem partner (Citrix, RightScale, enStratus (Creationline), Opscode
(Creationline), Juniper (Nisho Electronics), Midokura, Stratosphere,
UShareSoft, Engine Yard, Caringo, Cloudian)


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