>The use of Rabbit is still a question for me. It seems like you went
>with Rabbit, but the answer you gave as to "why" [1] didn't really
>answer the question or respond to the issue I raised about the
>practicalities of AMQP differences between versions and brokers [2].
>Can you address these please?


First, there is NO hard dependency on the RabbitMQ AMQP server. My
intention was just to use a AMQP client which can work with any other AMQP
broker. When I looked at AMQP java clients, I found rabbitMQ client API
was more simple and closer to the AMQP protocol and did not have
additional dependencies (like in case of Spring-AMQP, JMS in Qpid Client)
and had active community. That made me to choose RabbitMQ client.

I know you raised concern that RabbitQM AMQP client may not necessarily
compatible with QPID, also on points raised by David [2], I donĀ¹t have
knowledge of nuances of availability in distro's and AMQP version and
broker incompatibility. But what I have done is to keep things pluggable.
RabbitMQ client based plug-in I wrote can be treated as reference
implementation if does not fit their needs and they can write their own
plug-in (for JMS or other messaging protocols) implementing the event bus.

>From the framework design perspective I have kept it configurable and
pluggable and there is no enforcement on any particular broker or client.
Please let me know if there is still a concern.


>[1] http://markmail.org/message/smzzk5sjflfhj7j7
>[2] http://markmail.org/message/k2unpaz5g6w54f7o

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