Hi everyone, I'm curious to learn a bit about DevCloud. I don't currently understand how it relates from a development-workflow perspective.
My host OS is OS X. I have VirtualBox, Eclipse, Git, Maven, etc. installed in OS X. I am running the DevCloud appliance via VirtualBox. I can bring up the CloudStack GUI and log in this way and that's easy and great to be able to do. What I don't really understand is how our development workflow should be using DevCloud. Do I develop code in Eclipse on OS X and port the artifacts over to DevCloud to update it? Am I supposed to develop directly on Ubuntu in DevCloud (and, as such, should not use Eclipse). Should I just ignore DevCloud completely and develop everything on OS X? I'm a little lost here. Thanks!! -- *Mike Tutkowski* *Senior CloudStack Developer, SolidFire Inc.* e: mike.tutkow...@solidfire.com o: 303.746.7302 Advancing the way the world uses the cloud<http://solidfire.com/solution/overview/?video=play> *™*