On 16-Jan-2013, at 11:53 AM, Chiradeep Vittal <chiradeep.vit...@citrix.com> 

> What about using RBTool with github to generate review requests on
> reviews.apache.org
> Is that possible?

RBTool is mostly for project management, listing reviews, closing reviews and 
sending review request with patch. One can use this with any git repo, on 
github on their personal server etc. Are you suggesting feature that when you 
send a patch for review request, it carries with it github info?

One can use native git for requesting pull, github did not invent this, they 
just made a fantastic social network so you don't have to email the 
maintainer/committer directly;

Checkout, pull request feature on this as well;

Here's how you can send pull requests (if these seem useful, someone pl. put it 
in cwiki?);

1. Create your fork on your server or github or any other place
2. Commit your work, rebase and squash as one commit/patch
3. git push on your fork, say github.com/xxx/myfork.git
4. While in your branch, copy the output of following and send an email to the 
maintainer to accept and get your work; (this is called a pull request)
        git request-pull origin/master <git url of your fork>
5. Committer evaluates the work, pull from your fork in a test branch, and when 
it's done, commits/cherry-picks your commit from test branch to master (or 
target branch).

Due to the asf git workflow, it will be difficult to have people get access on 
github.com/apache/incubator-cloudstack to go through pull requests.


> On 1/16/13 11:31 AM, "Prasanna Santhanam" <t...@apache.org> wrote:
>> On Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 11:59:46AM -0500, Chris Sears wrote:
>>> Would we want to say something about GitHub pull requests? (do we want
>>> to
>>> use them or not)
>> This came up a while ago and the general understanding at the time was
>> the github pull requests couldn't be enabled to interact with the list
>> and all patches would come on to the list via reviewboard.
>> http://s.apache.org/oMS
>> -- 
>> Prasanna.,

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