On Thu, Jan 03, 2013 at 06:27:33AM -0500, Sanjay Tripathi wrote:
> >>All of this tells me that the admin estimates the proportion of
> >>physical resources to the virtual resources in the data center
> >>before deciding on these limits? But in your FS you mention this
> >>use-case also applies to domain admins. DomainAdmins don't have a
> >>view of the physical resources today. So this should all be admin
> >>only.
>  > [SANJAY]: You are right that DomainAdmins don't have a view of
>  > physical resources in CloudStack UI (we should file an improvement
>  > for this), but they can set limits though APIs.

Not quite. That was never really the role of domain-admins. If
they want to view data center resources they should just be admins.
Do you intend to fix this improvement to allow domain-admins the
read-only access of DC resources?

> >>Can you explain how an admin decides on such an estimate? How does
> >>he solve the problem of -
> >>I have 2TB secondary storage and 10 accounts with 2 domain admins
> >>who can create accounts and define limits ? How many snapshots
> >>should I allow per account? How many templates/ISOs one can
> >>register?
>  > [SANJAY]: In CS, domain admin can't create accounts they can only
>  > manage them and it all depends on domain admins that how they want
>  > to set the limits on accounts under there domain. For example, out
>  > of 2TB secondary storage, suppose 1.5 TB is the limit set for domain
>  > D1 and D2, now it depends on D1 domain admin that how he wants to
>  > set the limits on accounts within the limit set for domain D1. While
>  > deploying any instance CS will perform a check on account as well as
>  > on domain to ensure that the resources that user is using are within
>  > the limits .

Whether or not they see the 2TB storage is dependant on my previous
argument above.

> >>You might want to list out use cases as above. Right now
> >>regardless of resource type it seems only CPU resource limit is
> >>affected as per the FS. Copy/Paste Error?
> >>How does the listResourceLimits API resource type look like post
> >>the change? For each role. there's already quite a few numbered
> >>resourcetypes - 0 -instance, 1-disks etc.
>  > [SANJAY]: Currently I am working on the it and will share the FS
>  > shortly.
Sure. Keep us posted 

> >>Since this will be admin only: Is there any diff. between a
> >>domain-admin updating the resource limit of instances for a user
> >>as opposed to an admin doing the same? Do you deal with each
> >>update differently.
>  > [Sanjay]: We are planning  to do it for both admin and domain-admin.
>  > Domain-admin can update the limits on the top of admin but only
>  > within the limits set for that domain
>  > 
Goes back to whether they can see compute/storage/network resources
available in the DC.


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