On Wednesday, January 2, 2013, Chip Childers wrote: > > > 3.4.1. Technical Decisions > > Technical decisions should normally be made by the entire community > using consensus > gathering, and not through formal voting. > > Technical decisions must be made on a project development mailing list. > > During the consensus gathering process, technical decisions may be vetoed > by any > Committer with a valid reason. > > If a formal vote is started for a technical decision, the vote will be > held as a > lazy majority of active committers. > > Any user, contributor, committer or PMC member can initiate a technical > desicion > making process. >
I made a pretty critical editing mistake in the section above. Technical decisions that are being handled via a formal vote need to be handled as "lazy consensus" not "lazy majority" of active committers to align with foundation practices. Does anyone want me to restart the vote with the stated change? I'll assume that silence means that its not necessary, and will proceed as if the text stated "lazy consensus". If anyone wants to change their vote or ask for a re-vote, please say so. -chip