Forgot to mention, let's keep the voting period open till 7th Jan 2013 12:00 
GMT, i.e. as a lot of people are offline.

On 27-Dec-2012, at 12:11 PM, Rohit Yadav <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm asking for the community to vote if they want to enforce UUID string to 
> be used in parameters while querying an API. This would break any client or 
> script that uses internal ID. AFAIK api response (json or xml, since 3.x for 
> sure) always have had UUIDs so if any client/script that uses apis to query 
> entities and base their further operations using ids from the response(s) 
> should be fine.
> You may vote by:
> +1 Agree
> 0  No opinion
> -1 Disagree
> Some context and description:
> CloudStack uses internal IDs which are long ints and they have a mapping 
> between this ID and the external ID or UUID which is a random string of 
> characters.
> There are DAO classes which provides a mechanism to query a particular 
> table(s) and do other operations. There are VO objects which can hold content 
> of a row. In most VO objects a method getId() would return a long int number 
> which is the internal ID of that entity and they would have a getUuid() which 
> returns a unique random string of chars.
> At present an API can be queried with both ids, for example for param 
> domainid using uuid in 1 and using id in 2:
> 1. 
> http://localhost:8080/client?command=listResourceLimits&domainid=8664e04a-9931-4765-b3456e6888d0fa1d
> 2. http://localhost:8080/client?command=listResourceLimits&domainid=1
> For querying using id, the caller should have idea of the id for that entity 
> and which is only possible if they have access to CloudStack's database. 
> There is no other way of knowing an entity's id, only uuids are sent as ids 
> in the response.
> Regards.

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