On Thu, Dec 20, 2012 at 9:13 AM, Alex Huang <alex.hu...@citrix.com> wrote:
>> Would prefer not to land on the cwiki 'Index' page.
> Yeah...that index is dynamically generated.  I tried to find ways to make it 
> more static and eventually consistent but couldn't find anything on it.  I 
> figured it is useful though.  Maybe we should change the title to "Index 
> (Prepare to wait 30 seconds)".
>> E.g. Wikipedia tells people the project page is  http://cloudstack.org/ , 
>> which
>> redirects to http://incubator.apache.org/cloudstack/   From here, you clikc
>> 'Apache CloudStack Wiki and get to
>> http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/CLOUDSTACK/Index , which is
>> the index.
> Joe or Dave?  This is related to me changing the original landing page name 
> to "Home".  I don't have the authority to change what's under 
> incubator.apache.org.


You actually do though (as do all committers).  It's in our svn tree,
and publishing is done via https://cms.apache.org/cloudstack/

>> Would prefer faster page.  It takes 30s (I timed it) for the link about to 
>> load.  I
>> think this is specific to the 'index' page, but I could be wrong.
>> Finally, and apologies if this is covered under a thread earlier this week,
>> where do all things related to a feature go?  E.g. I'd like to note the setup
>> instructions for Hyper-V dev environment.  This isn't quite design, but it 
>> is a
>> developer thing.  Should I put a child under the design, or should there be a
>> feature specific page?
> This is a great question.  Design is for design spec of your component so it 
> should not go there.  Under the developer page, there needs to be more 
> subtopic pages setup.  I think whatever you think makes sense as a page to 
> group these types of information, go ahead and add it.  For example, I think 
> "Setting Up Test Environments" page is a good subtopic and then your hyperv 
> page can go underneath that sounds like a good.
> I can also see we do this from a components point of view.  For example,  a 
> components page, then a hyperv page, and then how to setup hyperv.  Since 
> you're the first to raise it, you get to decide how it should work.  :)
> --Alex

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