On Wed, Dec 19, 2012 at 11:28 AM, sebgoa <run...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Dec 19, 2012, at 5:07 PM, Chip Childers wrote:
>> On Wed, Dec 19, 2012 at 11:02 AM, sebgoa <run...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I would like to help bring this thread to consensus.
>>> I re-read the wiki: 
>>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/CLOUDSTACK/CloudStack+Marketplace+Proposal
>>> The biggest issues that I believe drew concerns are:
>>> 1-Mention of an Apache CloudStack listing repository
>>> 2-Mention of including a listing repository in the source code.
>>> To keep it short, we don't want to become liable for any image that a 
>>> CloudStack user would run on its cloud. We also don't want the source code 
>>> to contain anything that would be seen as product placement from any 
>>> vendors.
>>> That said if the wiki page was modified to remove the mention of "an apache 
>>> cloudstack listing repository" and "inclusion in source code" and geared 
>>> more towards contributing a plugin that would enable cloudstack users to 
>>> link to a third party marketplace if they so desired. Then this would be 
>>> agreeable.
>>> I also believe this should be "disabled" by default with empty "listing 
>>> repositories".
>>> If this is agreeable, Jie Feng and co. could run a marketplace on their own 
>>> and Cloudstack users could link to it. I could also work with the 
>>> opennebula folks to make the plugin generic enough to tie to their 
>>> marketplace.
>>> Thoughts ? (not too many flames, it's christmas soon :) )
>>> -Sebastien
>> I'm +1 to most of the above.
>> One follow up comment that I'd like further discussion on, is the
>> necessity of having users go to a marketplace page vs extending the VM
>> provisioning GUI to support a more robust collection of template
>> sources (and supporting material).
> Yes, I will take this as a requirement.
> Note that a marketplace can extend beyond just images (as described in Jie's 
> proposal, SaaS offerings etc...). If it does then it would not lend itself 
> nicely within the existing template listing or in the VM provisioning UI 
> during instantiation.

Yes, but the manifestation of one of those alternative scenarios will
be effectively (for lack of a better term) a vApp / CloudFormation
like description of the VMs and their networking requirements.  It
seems like it would need some refinement on the UI approach to
accommodate, but I still think that they are very related.

>>> On Dec 13, 2012, at 10:56 PM, Joe Brockmeier wrote:
>>>> On Fri, Dec 14, 2012 at 02:08:00PM +0000, Hugo Trippaers wrote:
>>>>> Getting a bit late into the discussion here, but i agree with Chip here.
>>>>> I'm already uncomfortable with the idea for a marketplace inside
>>>>> CloudStack, but providing just the features allow some external party
>>>>> (or parties) to set something up should be ok. But neither the ASF nor
>>>>> we as a community should maintain such a marketplace. We as a community
>>>>> are responsible for maintaining and distributing the CloudStack source
>>>>> code, initiatives like a market place seem better suited to a commercial
>>>>> entity or another group that is not directly related to maintaining the
>>>>> source code of CloudStack.
>>>> +1
>>>> Best,
>>>> jzb
>>>> --
>>>> Joe Brockmeier
>>>> http://dissociatedpress.net/
>>>> Twitter: @jzb

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