
Would this be available for system vms (ssvm, cpvm and rvm ) as well ? 


On 19-Dec-2012, at 2:33 PM, Devdeep Singh wrote:

> Hi Alex,
> I was planning to cover the following scenarios:
> 1. Live migrate a VM with disks from Host A to Host B within the same 
> cluster. This currently works with shared storage. I was thinking of 
> extending it to support local storage too.
> 2. Live migrate a VM from Host A to Host B across cluster. VM's disks also 
> move from one storage repository to another.
> 3. Live migrate a VM's disks from one storage repository to another, but VM 
> stays in the same host. I didn't make it clear in my earlier mail, sorry 
> about that. Should it be a separate jira ticket?
> For each of them the disk offerings for each disk should be honored. That is, 
> if a disk is using shared storage it should be moved to a shared SR. Same 
> applies to disks using local storage too.
> Regards,
> Devdeep
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Alex Huang [mailto:alex.hu...@citrix.com]
>> Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2012 4:56 AM
>> To: cloudstack-dev@incubator.apache.org
>> Subject: RE: [DISCUSS] Enabling storage xenmotion on xenserver 6.1
>> Devdeep,
>> It sounds like from this that all you're doing is the ability to live 
>> migrate vms
>> from one cluster to another cluster.
>> Is there anything on storage migration itself?
>> --Alex
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Devdeep Singh [mailto:devdeep.si...@citrix.com]
>>> Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2012 12:40 AM
>>> To: cloudstack-dev@incubator.apache.org
>>> Subject: [DISCUSS] Enabling storage xenmotion on xenserver 6.1
>>> Hi,
>>> XenServer introduced support for Storage XenMotion in the latest
>>> version (6.1). Storage XenMotion allows VMs to be moved from one host
>>> to another, where the VMs are not located on storage shared between
>>> the two hosts. It provides the option to live migrate a VM's disks
>>> along with the VM itself. It is now possible to migrate a VM from one
>>> resource pool to another, or to migrate a VM whose disks are on local
>>> storage, or even to migrate a VM's disks from one storage repository to
>> another, all while the VM is running.
>>> More information on Storage XenMotion can be found at [1].
>>> I have filed a jira request [2] to track this feature. I plan to
>>> extend the migrate vm cloudstack api call to allow migration of
>>> instances across clusters. Do let me know your comments.
>>> [1] http://blogs.citrix.com/2012/08/24/storage_xenmotion/
>>> [2] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CLOUDSTACK-659
>>> Regards,
>>> Devdeep

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