
Nont Banditwong commented on CLOUDSTACK-581:

I've had this issue as well, my system is CloudStack 3.0.2 on Ubuntu 10.04, 
advanced zone setup.
Capacity is not over limit yet but can not create additional VM.

from dashboard,

77% IP used
50% CPU used
31% Memory used
and primary/secondary storage still free.

2012-12-16 10:21:38,654 DEBUG [cloud.network.NetworkManagerImpl] 
(Job-Executor-86:job-206) Cleaning up because we're unable to implement the 
network Ntwk[240|Guest|7]
com.cloud.exception.InsufficientServerCapacityException: Unable to create a 
deployment for VM[DomainRouter|r-206-VM]Scope=interface 
com.cloud.dc.DataCenter; id=4

> Unable to create VM Instance after being able to creating small number of VMs.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: CLOUDSTACK-581
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CLOUDSTACK-581
>             Project: CloudStack
>          Issue Type: Bug
>      Security Level: Public(Anyone can view this level - this is the 
> default.) 
>          Components: Management Server
>    Affects Versions: 4.0.0
>         Environment: Management Server on Centos 6.3, 
>            Reporter: Adam Kamali
>            Priority: Critical
> I successfully managed to deploy number of VMs, afterwords I lost the ability 
> and all what I get: Unable to create a deplyment for VM (user| VM name)
> [root@csman ~]# tailf /var/log/cloud/management/catalina.out
> INFO  [network.vpc.VpcManagerImpl] (VpcChecker-1:) Found 0 removed VPCs to 
> cleanup
> INFO  [cloud.ha.HighAvailabilityManagerImpl] (HA-1:) checking health of usage 
> server
> INFO  [api.commands.DeployVMCmd] (Job-Executor-32:job-48) 
> com.cloud.exception.InsufficientServerCapacityException: Unable to create a 
> deployment for VM[User|one]Scope=interface com.cloud.dc.DataCenter; id=1
> WARN  [cloud.api.ApiDispatcher] (Job-Executor-32:job-48) class 
> com.cloud.api.ServerApiException : Unable to create a deployment for 
> VM[User|one]
> WARN  [network.router.VirtualNetworkApplianceManagerImpl] (RouterMonitor-1:) 
> unable to find stats for account: 2
> INFO  [xen.resource.CitrixResourceBase] (DirectAgent-381:) Removed  network 
> rules for vm i-2-5-VM
> INFO  [xen.resource.XenServer56Resource] (DirectAgent-381:) Catch 
> com.xensource.xenapi.Types$VifInUse: failed to destory VLAN eth1 on host 
> dee52e9f-76a9-44ac-b358-6f1142469b63 due to Network has active VIFs
> INFO  [cloud.ha.HighAvailabilityManagerImpl] (HA-1:) checking health of usage 
> server
> WARN  [network.router.VirtualNetworkApplianceManagerImpl] (RouterMonitor-1:) 
> unable to find stats for account: 2
> WARN  [network.router.VirtualNetworkApplianceManagerImpl] (RouterMonitor-1:) 
> unable to find stats for account: 2
> Trust me, I have enough Space on my primary storage (77% use), lost of 
> Memory, CPU and IPs. 

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