One api:
public KVMStoragePool getStoragePool(String storageAdaptorType, String uuid)
should be enough.
Where the storageAdaptorType coming from? storageAdaptorType should be passed 
down by mgt server  in StorageFilerTO. Whenever you call  
KVMStoragePoolManager, always pass the storageAdaptorType. In each 
KVMStoragePoolManager's api, call getStorageAdaptor at first, find out the 
corresponding adaptor, then call it.

For example,
 public KVMStoragePool createStoragePool(String name, String host, int port, 
String path,
                                             String userInfo, StoragePoolType 
type) {

may be implemented like this:
  storageadaptor adaptor = getstorageadaptor(type);

getStorageAadaptor can be implemented like this:
storageadaptor getStorageAdaptor(StoragePoolType type) {
         storageadaptor adaptor = storageMapper.get(type.toString());
       if (adaptor == null) {
            adaptor = storageMapper.get("libvirt");
          return adaptor;
From: Marcus Sorensen []
Sent: Monday, December 10, 2012 4:25 PM
To: Edison Su
Subject: Re: pluggable storage implementation

I'm not quite sure what you mean on that last part. I was just thinking as far 
as not having to go through and change all of the existing code to pass 'null' 
or 'libvirt' when we mean to use libvirt. Also, some of these items in 
KVMStoragePoolManager (see createStoragePool, createDiskFromTemplate) have code 
for libvirt specific things (like 'pass this to LibvirtStorageAdaptor if pool 
is RBD), so to avoid messing with those maybe we keep things working with 
libvirt as default.

Something like:
    private final Map<String, StorageAdaptor> _storageMapper = new 
HashMap<String, StorageAdaptor>();

    _storageMapper.add("new-storage-adaptor-v1", new 
    _storageMapper.add("new-storage-adaptor-v2", new 

    //existing code
    public KVMStoragePoolManager(StorageLayer storagelayer, KVMHAMonitor 
monitor) {
        this._storageAdaptor = new LibvirtStorageAdaptor(storagelayer);
        this._haMonitor = monitor;

    public KVMStoragePool getStoragePool(String uuid) {
        return this._storageAdaptor.getStoragePool(uuid);

    // pluggable getStoragePool
    public KVMStoragePool getStoragePool(String storageAdaptorType, String 
uuid) {
        StorageAdaptor sa = storageMapper.get(storageAdaptorType);

        return sa.getStoragePool();

or alternatively... (but the libvirt specific portions will have to be reworked)

    public KVMStoragePool getStoragePool(String uuid) {
        return getStoragePool("libvirt", uuid);

    // pluggable getStoragePool
    public KVMStoragePool getStoragePool(String storageAdaptorType, String 
uuid) {
        StorageAdaptor sa = storageMapper.get(storageAdaptorType);

        return sa.getStoragePool();

On Mon, Dec 10, 2012 at 2:05 PM, Edison Su 
<<>> wrote:

From: Marcus Sorensen [<>]
Sent: Monday, December 10, 2012 3:37 PM

To: Edison Su
Subject: Re: pluggable storage implementation

Ok, that makes sense. So this will be a part of the storage refactor? If you're 
not already working on it I'll play with it and see if I can create a working 
No plan yet, so many stuff on the management server side to refactor. If you 
will work on it, that'll be great!

I'm assuming we'd have in your example both a getStoragePool(String uuid) that 
selects the old/default LibvirtStorageAdaptor and a getStoragePool(String 
storagePoolType, String uuid), so as not to have to redo any existing code?
If you are just implementing a new storage for primary storage, then add a new 
api called getprimarystorage(string pooltype, string uuid).
On Mon, Dec 10, 2012 at 1:31 PM, Edison Su 
<<>> wrote:
KVMStoragePoolManager should manage the mapping between storage pool type and 

1.  In KVMStoragePoolManager's constructor, create a map between storage pool 
type and storageadaptor:
sample code:
map<String, storageadaptor> storageMapper = new HashMap<String, 
storageMapper.add("your-storage-type", new your-storage-adaptor);
storageMapper.add("libvirt-managed-storage", new LibvirtStorageAdaptor);

2.  For each api of KVMStoragePoolManager, should pass down a storage pool 
type, e.g:

public KVMStoragePool getStoragePool(String storagePoolType, String uuid) {

       storageadaptor adaptor = storageMapper.get(storagepoolType);

       if (adaptor == null) {

              adaptor = storageMapper.get("libvirt-managed-storage");


return adaptor.getStoragePool(uuid);


From: Marcus Sorensen [<>]
Sent: Monday, December 10, 2012 3:06 PM
To: Edison Su
Subject: Re: pluggable storage implementation

Yeah, but I'm not seeing an easy/pluggable way to implement a storage adaptor, 
where LibvirtComputingResource relies exclusively on KVMStoragePoolManager, 
which is implementing LibvirtStorageAdaptor. I don't see how to switch between 
storage adaptors in based on what primary storage 
type I happen to be acting upon.

On Mon, Dec 10, 2012 at 12:51 PM, Edison Su 
<<>> wrote:

From: Marcus Sorensen [<>]
Sent: Monday, December 10, 2012 2:06 PM
To: Edison Su
Subject: pluggable storage implementation

Just curious, hadn't thought about this before but it seems that at least on 
KVM (probably similar in Xen and VMware too?), there are two separate issues 
with storage in the existing code. First, adding a new storage type is a matter 
of adding in a new 'else if' or something in a bunch of different places, as 
well as tweaking behavior to match the storage type. Second, everything about 
the storage is tightly integrated with Libvirt, meaning that if your storage 
type is not supported by Libvirt it's much, much more difficult to implement.

Are these both being addressed by the storage changes, for example can we write 
a storage plugin that creates pools/volumes that libvirt doesn't know about and 
still attach those to instances? Or would we need to patch libvirt to utilize 
our storage first?

[Edison] That's the storageadaptor used for:;a=blob;f=plugins/hypervisors/kvm/src/com/cloud/hypervisor/kvm/storage/;h=ef1e7c9302ab6ac8f197cf75bbf7235bba0235cf;hb=HEAD
The LibvirtStorageAdaptor  is one of implementation of storageadaptor, which is 
totally based on libvirt, If you have a new storage, not supported by libvirt, 
then you can add a new implementation of storageadaptor.

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